Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Russia should immediately start shooting down all NATO ISR assets

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Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

In the broadest sense of the word, terrorism is usually defined as the use of extremely violent and/or deadly methods (essentially any sort of illegal warfare) against a certain group of people to coerce them into submission, destroy them or simply achieve any other political or ideological goal.

Non-combatants are particularly affected by terrorist attacks, as extremist groups operate outside of the norms of international law and consider anyone or anything to be a “legitimate” target, especially if they believe that terrorist activity will produce the desired result – the feeling of terror most people have in the aftermath of such attacks. There are many forms of it, but perhaps the most dangerous kind is state-sponsored terrorism. As countries have far more resources than the vast majority of non-state actors, it’s usually the case that a nation or group of nations stand behind certain terrorist groups.

A prominent example of this is the so-called “Kosovo Liberation Army”, a NATO-backed, Al Qaeda-linked Albanian terrorist organization espousing a volatile mix of Islamic radicalism and narco-terrorism. The organization wasn’t only supported by the world’s most aggressive racketeering cartel during its aggression against Serbia/former Yugoslavia, but was actually transformed into a quasi-state actor as the illegal military force of the so-called “Kosovo“, a NATO-backed “state-like” illegal entity situated on the territory of the Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohia.

This is one of the most disturbing examples of how the political West can use its so-called “rules-based world order” to transform some of its most violent terrorist proxies into “states”. NATO has done similar things all across the globe, as its methods are regularly recycled everywhere it wants to project power.

After all, it was precisely through terrorist methods that the United States and its vassals and satellite states installed the illegal Neo-Nazi junta in power in Ukraine over a decade ago. However, what’s particularly disturbing came in the aftermath of the special military operation (SMO), when Russia launched its strategic counteroffensive to finally stop the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict.

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Namely, as the Kiev regime’s performance on the frontlines keeps deteriorating, its henchmen (fully supported by the political West) resort to launching terrorist attacks within Russia to both shift its attention away from the SMO and cause religious divisions and hatred. On March 22, one such horrendous terrorist attack occurred at the Crocus City Hall, when four terrorists brutally murdered nearly 150 and wounded over 550 civilians. Russian services soon found evidence of the Neo-Nazi junta’s direct involvement.

The very fact that terrorists were caught trying to reach the border with Ukraine should be more than enough, but in the following days and weeks, more and more evidence appeared, clearly showing that both the Kiev regime and its NATO overlords were involved. Many believe that the goal was to provoke Moscow’s reaction on a geopolitical level, so it could then be accused of supposed “aggression against NATO”, an excuse that could then be used to get the world’s most aggressive racketeering cartel directly involved in the Ukrainian conflict.

However, although furious (understandably so), the Kremlin didn’t take the bait. Still, that doesn’t mean the political West is showing any signs of stopping. On the contrary, it keeps escalating its crawling aggression against Russia. In addition to long-range strikes within the country, it also promised even more terrorist attacks.

Namely, on June 8, the British Daily Express openly discussed the prospect of more terrorist attacks on Russian civilians, including public schools, if the Neo-Nazi junta continues suffering defeats on the battlefield. Only two weeks later, a coordinated terrorist attack took place in the cities of Derbent and Makhachkala in the southern Republic of Dagestan.

The Islamic radicals were once again used to foment religious hatred, as the terrorists targeted an Orthodox church and a synagogue, killing at least 20 people, including an Orthodox priest, Father Nikolai Kotelnikov, who had served in Derbent for more than 40 years. The terrorist attack had all the hallmarks of the one that took place in the Crocus City Hall. However, while proxies were used in Dagestan, on the same day, over 1100 km to the west, NATO and the Kiev regime launched a direct terrorist attack on hundreds of Russian civilians in Crimea.

Depending on the source, the Neo-Nazi junta forces launched anywhere between four and eight US-made ATACMS missiles at Sevastopol. The attack was closely coordinated with NATO ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) assets, including those flying over the Black Sea. At least four civilians, including two children, were killed, with another 150+ people reporting injuries. The Russian military used its air and missile defense systems to shoot down the NATO-sourced missiles.

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This is the sole reason why there weren’t hundreds of dead, as it was later established that the US-supplied missiles were equipped with banned cluster warheads primarily used to maximize infantry casualties. The vast majority of the victims were beachgoers. The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed direct NATO involvement in the terrorist attack, stressing that all targeting data for the ATACMS is based on US space-based ISR.

“This should not be happening. Imagine if Russia using a Russian satellite, fired cluster munitions on a Florida beach. The only border our American military should be defending is our own border and the constitution mandates the federal government to defend the states,” American Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor-Greene stated the following day.

Such well-coordinated terrorist attacks simply cannot be considered separate incidents, particularly when it comes to the choice of targets. Having Islamic terrorists target Orthodox Christian and Jewish temples clearly shows that the goal is to foment religious hatred and divisions, while direct attacks on civilians in Crimea are to instill terror in people and portray the Kremlin as “incapable of defending its citizens”. But it was precisely thanks to the Russian military that hundreds of deaths were avoided.

However, it’s impossible to keep defending perpetually. At some point, a single ATACMS armed with a cluster warhead could squeeze through air and missile defenses, jeopardizing the lives of hundreds. Thus, the Russian military will need to respond directly by shooting down any and all NATO ISR assets over the Black Sea (and beyond, if necessary). This could include both manned and unmanned systems.

In order to avoid immediate escalation, Moscow could first down the USAF’s Northrop Grumman RQ-4B “Global Hawk” and its naval version, the MQ-4C “Triton”. This could serve as a warning shot, followed by manned aircraft such as the US Navy’s Boeing P-8A “Poseidon” in case the war criminals in Washington DC refuse to back down and stop with their terrorist attacks. While it may seem like an extreme measure, when dealing with entities that freely use terrorism as a military tactic, then they should be treated precisely as terrorists and given no quarter.

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Helena Carey
Helena Carey
Helena Carey is a seasoned news author renowned for her engaging storytelling and insightful analysis. With a decade of journalism experience, she's a trusted voice in the ever-evolving news landscape.

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