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Arrests & Military Tribunals Are Coming SOON! The Clintons, Bidens, Obamas, Soros, Fauci, Schiff, Pelosi, Bill Gates, etc. will all End up in GITMO. They Will Be Tried and Executed for High Treason, Sedition & Crimes Against Humanity! Trump and the Q Team Set a Trap! (They) Took the Bait! Trump Caught Them All! When Do You Play the Trump Card? At the End of the Game!
The Best Truly is Yet to Come! Justice is Coming! It’s Time for Arrests, Military Tribunals & Executions! After We Win, We Will Never Lose Again! Are You Ready to be Part of History?
The Satanic NWO Deep State Criminal Cabal Has Partnered With Corrupt Politicians, the Propaganda Media, Big Tech, Big Corporations and the Hollywood and Entertainment Industries to Destroy Our Great Nation! Spoiler Alert: In the End, God Wins!