Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Nostradamus: Don’t Think For a Second You’re Prepared For The Dark Future That Awaits Us All… (video)

Before unraveling the much needed information, please give me the chance to tell you who Nostradamus is and why his predictions are so important for each and every one of us…

For centuries people have interpreted the words of Nostradamus and historians, even scientists have been amazed how accurate his prophecies have been…

It is a known fact that time after time Nostradamus predicted the rise of nations and fall of economies…

But his darkest prediction has yet to come true. Historians say it’s the most fearful and it means the beginning of the end. Scientist backed up the aspects with hard evidence.

Therefore, before going any further, I must warn you:

What you are about to hear is deeply disturbing…

Because the dots that this presentation connects will send shivers down your spine and there will be no turning back once you hear this.

When you see the evidence that this great unavoidable ruination will come to reality, it will simply be impossible for you to go about your daily life like you used to… before knowing the truth…

In all human history no other prophet has so accurately predicted the great events all around the world:


Here are some of his predictions written in 1555 that have already come true:

“The blood of the just will be demanded of London,

Burnt by the fire in the year 66″

– The Great Fire of London from Sunday, 2 September to Wednesday, 5 September 1666

That’s 111 years before it happened. Historians say it’s one of the most accurate prophecies ever told. No other prophet predicted such a devastating event since then.

“From the depths of the West of Europe,
A young child will be born of poor people,
He who by his tongue will seduce a great troop;
His fame will increase towards the realm of the East.”

On April 20th, 1889 Hitler was born in Western Europe, from very poor parents. “By his tongue”, with manipulative oratory skills, Hitler led Germany to action in the years following WWI.

“Near the gates and within the cities there will be two scourges the like of which was never seen, famine within plague, people put out by steel, crying to the great immortal God for relief.”

Nostradamus wrote about the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that led to death, hunger and unprecedented destruction…

And there are many others…

Yet you must understand, the visions he had could not be explained with the words of the time and he simply described them with the vocabulary he had…

Key persons around the world, who deciphered his undiscovered words, were forced to keep it under the hat…

They have hidden the true meaning of the forthcoming events that will shake us all…

These are previsions told over 5 centuries ago, carefully hidden by Nostradamus himself behind words…

His prophecies predicted Obama’s victory in 2013 as the first black president but few know Nostradamus also predicted the fall of America by the end of this year due to a power no nation or alliance, be it military or economic, can withstand…

It will hit America at its core and will send us all into medieval times…

I will show you exactly why this knowledge is a closely guarded secret and I’ll reveal the signs that show how close we are to the fulfillment of the prophecy…

»»» Revelation and Bible Prophecy: An Event That May Leave 290 Million Americans Dead in its Wake! Watch the vide below:

The threat comes from an enemy hidden in plain sight that has yet to show its true strength, but will not hesitate to crush anyone who stands against it, no matter how powerful or how technologically advanced it is…

My research lead me to the Vatican library where I found the writings of an Italian journalist who stumbled upon an unusual find, The Lost Book of Nostradamus, dated 1629.

Old historians talked about its existence, yet it did not surface until now…

When reading through it, I stumbled over a unique quatrain:

Earth-shaking fire from the center of the Earth.

Will cause the towers around the New City to shake,

Two great rocks for a long time will make war,

And then Arethusa will color a new river red.

– Charles Nostradamus

After months of hard work, I managed to decipher the true meaning of his words…

“The towers of the New City shake” – 11.09.2001 – the darkest day in American history, YET!

Why would the great Nostradamus himself preach this historical turning point in the “New (YORK) City” as the beginning of the end of times?

It’s the day America was brought down on its knees by leader of Al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden. It was only the beginning. A series of attacks against America have followed ever since and in the current geopolitical conditions – the war on Iraq, the war on ISIS, the Syrian and Ukrainian war, the constant terrorist attacks – it’s obvious we’re living in an unstable world that seems to teeter on the edge of complete chaos.

“Two great rocks for a long time will make war”

Besides America, the greatest power on Earth, there is another nation that has been rising for some years both economically and military and threatens our safety…

What country has recently started its violent expansion? What country has the military and economic power to spread chaos?

It’s greater than ISIS, Al-Qaeda, China, Iran, Iraq, all together. It’s the biggest country on earth ruled by the most fearful leader the history has ever seen: Russia with its dreadful leader, Vladimir Putin.

It’s Russia and all ancient prophecies are pointing in this direction.

The war we are on the verge on is foretold even by the HOLY BIBLE:

“Think not that I come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword: Matthew 10:34” 

Who else has sent “SWORDS” into Ukraine and Syria if not Putin himself?

And, again, it’s only the beginning…

“And then Arethusa will color a new river red”

Arethusa, in Ancient Greek, means “the waterer”. The red river is the blood of our brave American soldiers who will die defending the country we all love.

But how will Putin strike using the force of water?

The world has already seen the force of nature. Countless fires, hurricanes, floods, acid rains, earthquakes etc. have struck our beloved country time after time…

It may seem that we are at the mercy of nature.


“Earth-shaking fire from the center of the Earth.”

Again, to understand this apocalyptic message we need to look back into the history…

The day is 11 March, 2011. Japan – Eastern Coast. 14.46 local time.

The alarms start to ring. A huge tsunami can be seen across as it darkens the horizon. All hell unleashes over the land as the giant water block reaches the shore at heights of 133 feet.

The water falls down as a wall of bricks that smashes anything in its path.

15,893 deaths, 2,572 people missing, 1,148,067 buildings destroyed. And probably the most important damage the tsunami made – the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant…

Related: A Mega-Tsunami Is Coming-Geologists Theorize That a Volcano on La Palma Might Fall Into The Ocean And Send a Mega-Tsunami Across the Atlantic

All media stated at that time: “The force of nature”. Key persons running the media as skillful puppeteers are knee-deep in this massive cover up…

You might be tempted to believe this nonsense. Yet, in light of recent discoveries, things tend to look like SCI FI movies, but real hard evidence can back up every piece of information presented here.

Have you ever thought that not all natural disaster can be “natural”?

Over the years there have been many man-made disasters that had economical or military reasons.

Numerous sources claim that the 2011 tsunami was caused by man and the disaster and they were far from natural.

They were also silenced…

This information never reached the surface because it would have meant WW III, as China would have investigated and would have declared war to whoever was responsible.

»»» World War III Has Already Begun

One of history’s most devastating events was created by man. And the purpose for such actions lies in the blue eyes of the former KGB agent who started his world conquer campaign from the very first day he took over Russia.

Russia’s military budget has tripled since Vladimir Putin won the elections in 2012. Hidden investigations revealed massive investments in 2 key points on Russian territory…

The first base Putin set his eyes on is Vladivostok. Besides this city, which is actually a military base, Putin has been pouring money into another secret military headquarter. The second key point of Putin’s worldwide campaign is located the Eastern part of the country, where high tech military camps were built in Khabarovsk.

While media has been covering only the European and Syrian issue with Russia, Vladimir Putin has been investing in this secret operation and is planning on activating this cell to fulfill his master plan that will lead to a disaster of biblical proportions. This is the exact technology Putin developed to build a weapon of mass destruction in Khabarovsk.

Related: Attention: The US is Facing The BIGGEST Threat Of The Century. . . An Event That May Leave 290 Million Americans Dead in its Wake!

Sources claim that Putin tested this technology on March 11, 2011 and caused a huge tsunami…

Hurricane Matthew started forming on September 28th , 2018, when satellite footage showed the same activity in Khabarovsk on a larger scale…

It is clear that Russia is preparing to take over the world and Japan and Matthew were mere tests…

Using this technology, he will strike America from distance and he won’t even be traced. So we won’t even know what hit us. The American government is not prepared for such events but you can be…

The consequences of such a powerful weapon will be far worse than Japan when Putin hits us with full throttle!

Anything starting from earthquakes, to hurricanes, massive fire spreads, massive and permanent power-outs!

How will the collapse start?

Firstly, the healthcare, which is already, as we all know, basically on its knees, with less and less personnel and less and less funding, will be overflowed, no matter the crisis…

Your local hospital will be overflowing and the staff probably won’t be able to help you or your loved ones…

During Florence for instance, non-threatening illnesses turned deadly because of lack of personnel, supplies and medicine…How to Make Your Own Natural Pharmacy at Home

The hospitals are barely prepared for the patients they get daily…

Next, the transport will shut down. You will not be able to travel to safe places to provide food or shelter. Medicine will not be delivered and pharmacies will be emptied in minutes.

And you may think this is the worst part. Yet, you can say goodbye to telecommunications, utilities and running water…

The diseases will spread in an instant, police won’t be able to help anyone (they barely do it now)…

As the great Nostradamus predicted, America will be covered in “rivers of blood” and we’ll all suffer…

So, when learning the truth, I gave it a good thought and decided not to sit around and wait for the disaster to strike.


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William Reed
William Reed
William Reed, a fearless news writer, uncovers hidden truths that shape our world. With unwavering dedication, he challenges established narratives, shedding light on lesser-known realities.

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