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Public & Private Tax & Accounting Experience Former Big 8 Tax & Accounting Firm – Peat, Marwick, Mitchell, Tax Dept. 38 + Years Tax & Accounting, High Net Worth Individuals, R/E P’shps. Corps 5 Years Forensic Accounting for FBI Financial Fraud & Money Laundering Case. Clients: CEO of US Bank in Los Angeles, Former Owner of Chief Joseph Ranch, Now Yellowstone TV Series w/ Kevin Costner. 30 Years Trading on Wall Street & Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Developed Proprietary Trading Algorithms for Stocks & Futures Trading In August 2021, invited by Jimmy Vallee, Valhill Capital to join Confidential Committee. Using my XRP pricing Models and Discovery to present two private offers to the Federal Reserve & US Treasury Department in Sept-21 $25,000 & Oct- 21 $37,500.

10/23/23 on the 3rd Confidential Committee & the Valuation Committee. Presented my Quantum XRP Pricing Models. Last 2 years working solely to reveal the Price for XRP as the Provider of Quantum Liquidity for All Global Financial Markets. Whitepaper XRPL-QFS Gold and Silver Pricing Discovery. NESARA/GESARA having met with Dan Rostenkowski in 1994 Private Mtg on NESARA. Created Video’s and The Definitive Guidebook for Redemption Center Protocol’s, Humanitarian Initiative Trust Template & Training Materials for Funding.
BREAKING!!! Top-Secret Medbed Trials by Military White Hats: Secret Deployment Across America Already Healing Lives!
Where do we get the Quantum access cards? Legit ones?