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In the rapidly unfolding saga of technological and spiritual evolution, the Med Bed is not just a medical device—it is the harbinger of a new era. This groundbreaking technology, whispered about in shadowy corners and discussed in hushed tones among those in the know, is finally emerging into the light.
The Med Bed is a divine gift, possibly even extraterrestrial in origin, designed to elevate humanity to a higher plane of existence.
The Med Bed: Harnessing Brain Waves for Full Power
The Med Bed’s functionality extends beyond its physical components; it is deeply interwoven with the user’s mental and spiritual states. To harness the full power of the Med Bed, users must learn to control and refine their brain waves.
This synchronization allows for a more profound connection with the Med Bed’s healing capabilities, tapping into its potential to not only heal the body but also to regenerate and elevate the spirit.
Important! – The Essential Brain Wave Training Needed to Operate Med Beds and Unlock Their Full Healing Power!

Operators and patients alike must undergo training to master their mental frequencies, a necessary step to achieve complete healing transformations.
This alignment is critical as it tunes individuals to the higher frequencies necessary for interacting with such advanced technology, ensuring they are in the optimal state to receive the profound healing energies the Med Bed offers. More info on
Advanced Spiritual Training: A Cosmic Imperative
It is said that the Med Bed can read the intentions of its operator, making spiritual purity and alignment with the divine plan non-negotiable prerequisites.
Those who are chosen for this sacred duty must undergo rigorous training, not only in the technical aspects of the device but also in deep spiritual practices. This training is overseen by interdimensional beings, who are guiding humanity’s transition to a higher state of consciousness.
These beings, often described as vibrational guardians, ensure that only those with the highest intentions and deepest spiritual understanding can access the full potential of the Med Beds.
The spiritual training is divided into five classes, from Class A to Class E, each representing deeper levels of spiritual awakening and mastery. Only the most dedicated and spiritually attuned individuals can reach the higher levels, where they are entrusted with the most powerful healing capabilities of the Med Beds.
Must Watch! – The Essential GESARA Teachings Every American Must Learn Before Med Beds Revolutionize Healing!

The Military’s Sacred Role: Protectors of the Med Bed Revolution
But what is perhaps most shocking—and most telling—is the involvement of the military in the rollout of Med Bed technology. This is is part of a grand design. The military has been quietly training in the use of Med Beds, but not just in their operation.
They are being prepared as the protectors of this divine technology, trained to defend against any forces—human or otherwise—that would seek to misuse or suppress the Med Beds’ true potential.
Reports suggest that military personnel involved in this program undergo their own form of spiritual training, preparing them to guard not just the physical devices but the sacred knowledge that comes with them. More info on
This training, shrouded in secrecy, is said to involve contact with extraterrestrial entities who have provided both the technology and the wisdom necessary to use it. These entities, it is believed, have been working with select groups within the military to ensure that the Med Beds are used for the betterment of all humanity, and not for any nefarious purposes.
Med Bed Centers: Sacred Sanctuaries of Healing and Ascension
Once the public announcement is made—likely just weeks after the release of Humanitarian funding—the Med Beds will be distributed to specially designated healing centers around the world.
These centers sacred sanctuaries designed to elevate the consciousness of those who enter. Surrounded by natural beauty, with elements such as flowing creeks, lush forests, and serene aquariums, these centers are intended to harmonize with the Earth’s natural energies, amplifying the healing effects of the Med Beds.
Gone Viral! – Trump’s Diet Secret Exposed: How He Enjoys All His Favorite Meals and Still Stays Fit!

The military will play a crucial role in transporting patients to these centers, starting with the most critically ill. The FIRST GROUP will include those on the brink of death—those who have been carefully chosen because their survival is essential to the unfolding plan for humanity’s ascension.
Following them, the NEXT GROUP will consist of those with severe but less critical conditions. This careful sequencing is designed to maximize the impact of the Med Beds, ensuring that those who are most spiritually ready are healed first, thus raising the overall vibrational frequency of the planet. More info on
The Hidden Truth: Med Beds and Extraterrestrial Connections
But why the secrecy? Why the military involvement? The truth is more astonishing than many could imagine. The Med Beds, it is said, are part of a larger cosmic agenda, linked to benevolent extraterrestrial beings who have been guiding humanity’s evolution for millennia.
These beings, often referred to as the Galactic Federation, have provided the technology as a gift to humanity, to help us through this critical phase of our evolution.
Some insiders believe that the delay in announcing the Med Beds to the public is due to the need to prepare humanity—both mentally and spiritually—for the truth of our extraterrestrial connections.
The Med Beds are not just a step forward in medical technology; they are a bridge to a new reality, one in which humanity takes its rightful place among the stars. More info on
A Call to Awakening: Embrace the Med Bed Revolution
The Med Bed revolution is about awakening humanity to its true potential. It is a call to all those who believe in the interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit, and who are ready to embrace the higher frequencies of the new Earth.
BIG NEWS!! Trump Announces Nationwide Replacement of Hospitals with Med Beds by the End of the Year!
For those who are ready, the time to act is now. Engage in spiritual practices, explore higher consciousness, and prepare yourself for the role you are meant to play in this great awakening.
The Med Beds are here, and with them comes the dawn of a new age. Will you rise to the challenge and become part of this divine mission? The choice is yours, but the time is now.
The future of humanity is in your hands, and the Med Beds are the key to unlocking a glorious new destiny.
Některé komentáře mě opravdu pobavily. Například, že kdo je očkovaný a má tím pádem pozměněnou DNA nebude na Med Bed lůžko připuštěn. To je nesmysl, protože tato lůžka právě naopak po provedení celkového skenování vyhodnotí myšlení s minulostí podle DNA a pokud tam je cokoliv špatně vrátí DNA a celou buněčnou soustavu do původního přirozeného stavu. Prosím aby zde nikdo druhým nekázal naprosté bludy a nesmysly jen proto, že si to myslí. Místo takových nesmyslů si prosím pročtěte vše o Med Bed a pak pište komentáře.
Aandachtig volg ik het nieuws, zeker ook wat de Medbedden betreft. Net zoals veel mensen wereldwijd,, kijk ik ook naar ze uit, eindelijk mag er een einde komen aan mijn/onze dagelijkse pijn, kijk er echt naar uit, gelukkig ben ik niet geprikt mij werd het daarin ook niet moeilijkgemaakt was mijn keuze, voelde niet goed. Vind het voor de wel gevaxte mensen best wel hard, ook al begrijp ik het wel, heb toch met ze te doen, vooral baby,s/kinderen! Hoop de Medbedden ook hier binnenkort arriveren kijk naar ze uit. Wens alle mensen mooi fijn leven toe, in hoe ver dat mogelijk is warme groet uit Nederland.
The vaxx is the mark of the beast , you were told a long time ago , if you took the depopultion shot that changed your DNA that is on you ,, the children i feel bad for , but the parents screwed them up , they will go to xxxx, you cant take the mark out of your DNA , even if the nanos an paracites are gon . all vax people will have to leave the gean pool,.its been pissed in .by evil
Sometimes it’s so hard to have patience. When you see so many suffering. I didn’t take the jab, but still got Covid. I saw so many die, that went into the hospital. I know a lot took the jab. I did warn people not to take it. I was laughed at and called a conspiracy therapist.
Thank you for the great information Mary, So many are walking blindly forward. I am aware of a lot, but have learned much from you sharing. I thank God I was strong enough to not let anyone give me the jab, even in the hospital numerous times. I saw them headed toward my nose with that long swab (PCR) and wouldn’t let them touch me with it… I am so glad now. Again Thank you for taking your time to share with everyone, you are a blessing for everyone by sharing with us. Tiff
> Remember guys – If you got the jab – you can not use the beds. Fact.
The healing is based on your birth DNA. If you got the jab, their were 1000s of non human DNA fragments in it to alter your DNA permenently. You really think evil didn’t know of these and not have a plan to stop you all for repairing you? Da! Grow up and learn truth.
Military is behind it because if a jabbed is tried to use the bed, they don’t know what kind of MONSTER all their evil altered DNA was added to you, and you turn into a unknown Alien monster, that needs to be destroyed. Fact.
If you think beds can fix everything, you are delussionial beyond logic and have no actual intelligence. Its not a magic trick fix all as you all think. Only if you are unjabbed can you use these.
Their is a alternative in trial stages, which I had for almost 1 full year, that jabbed will use. It can repair your health, but the monster poison/DNA you freely accepted in the jab, you have no one to blame then yourself. You will not be travelling to the stars because non humans placed their DNA inside you, and to protect our universe, you have to stay behind. Bible – “those last will be first”.
Sorry but jabbed need to come to terms you harmed yourself and you only now will life in fear of the unknown.
You all want the glory of above, yet you sided and ran to save your body from harm in the jab, instead of placing your faith in heavens protection. You turned away from him – he didn’t turn you away. Come to terms of all your regrets that you did to yourselves. You all wanted the easy life, yet you refused to fight against evil by refusing the pressure. Seperated the men from the boys point in time, which only leaves you regret.
Don’t worry, the unjabbed will live on and protect our children from the mass delussion brainwashing TV and media did to you all for dashing to be 1st to get the poison jab. You signed a legal contract to accept the poison, and didn’t read the it now did you? No repair in the cosmos can change what you did to yourselves.
The bible warned you all to pay attention to evil and all their plots to steal your soul. All the jabbed were tricked and didn’t walk the walk, but let their guard down for a jab that promised longer life over heavens natural life.
Nothing worse than an unknown know all!🤬
Gee I have been so sick for so long just waiting to die. Haven’t a doctor anymore because he was harming me so how would anyone know that I would like to use the Med Bed only I haven’t a clue on how to sign up. Peace and blessings All
Surrounded by natural beauty, with elements such as flowing creeks, lush forests, and serene aquariums, these centers are intended to harmonize with the Earth’s natural energies…..Consciousness, spiritually, mind??
Read what a true enlightened American Guru says about this.
Robert Adam’s is a rare being that says few are ready to be awakened.
Spirituality is just a word that has only the meaning that you give it!
and where are such centers, because I don’t see them in our reality,..
What do I have to do to become a patient to use the med bed I can use the limb regeneration since I have a below the knee amputation
I genuinely hope so for you all of you who are really sick !
Hi I myself am very sick I’m in and out of the hospital that most of the staff know who I am I really hope the med beds come soon because I can really use the help on getting healthy again I’m 34 and have to be on disability just so I can have some kind of income I have to deal with a severe case of diabetes, chf, anemia, and the list goes on I also have to be on dialysis 3 times a week since my kidneys are also shutting down so please hurry with these a lot of us can really use them…
My mom is in critical condition. I am praying that she can use the med bed as soon as possible. Thank you
De tout coeur je souhaite que ces lits médicaux changent notre esprit et notre corps physique pour être dans un monde d’amour, de paix et de lumière.
Let’s get this med bed show on the road. in the last couple weeks I’ve lost a close friend a Brother in law and have another friend not doing so well. I myself have been cut off at the drug store because I couldn’t afford to pay the bill. Believe it or not for a while I didn’t know what to do but after a couple months I have the odd day that I feel ok but I don’t know how long it will last. As long as there are people with terminal conditions I’m willing to wait. As long as this doesn’t drag into months. So the sooner we get this started the better.
Me Too I Agree Whole Heartedly…
God Bless Us All No Matter What .
We All Need Healing Of Some Kind. The Body Mind & Spirit Need To Be Brought Back Into It’s Natural Balance As God Intended It … Depoisioned
I Think We All Ready For Healing & Good Health Again !!
Much Love To All ❤️
Keep Treading Water At Least It Is Happening & Hopefully ASAP For All Concerned … GODSPEED 😊
If you got the jab, their is no cure nor repair. No Bed can fix you. Sometimes in life when one makes a mistake, one has to live with regret for their actions. Jabbed need to face they made this mistake and bed can not repair you back.
It altered your birth DNA and by you signing a contract to freely accept the jab, you agreed to whatever it did to you, and how it changes ones life. No do overs or removal.
Don’t be mad at those telling you honest truth and unjabbed, but those who brainwashed you all to get it, and then the Drs who actually shot it inside you. Those who you need to place your anger. It all leads back to evil and the devil – where the bible gave you all warnings of what to be aware of.
REFERENCES for WHERE you got this information, please – if it even exists outside of the Bible, the passages of which you also don’t reference. You’re NOT being helpful if you can’t tell us where all this came from.. This doesn’t make you “honest” . . . it makes you a person that gets off being superior to others and creating hopelessness and misery – for those that mistakenly took the shot . . . and for those who care about them. It also makes you unbelievable because someone sharing ‘truth’ doesn’t have a problem siting references.
From everything you’ve posted, you appear to be the one expressing “anger”.
I’ve been wanting to be trained and devote my life to this to help others. I may not make it. I have MRSA in my head and 3 days before being brian dead. Please contact me. I am down to the wire now after trying to heal myself for several months now with staph infection which has apparently reached inside my nose.
🚨Open Letter to the Military🚨
We urge the military to take immediate action and help us reclaim America from corruption, invasion, and stop human/child trafficking with direct action!
We demand:
– The 2020 election be fixed
– NESARA/GESARA implemented
– Arrest 2024 election/voter fraud criminals
– No wars unless we are attacked
– Arrest all corrupt politicians and leaders
📢Military reading this please take this message from We the people to your commanding officers. Please respond to us using the EAS system.
⚠️Patriots this needs to go viral on every platform.
We are under attack from with in ,,,now
Je suis intéressée par cette formation et souhaiterais plus d’informations
Very interesting.
To whom it may concern; please delete that I’m a currency holder or don’t post my comment at all. Thanks
I am 70 years old, and suffering from an inoperable brain tumor. I’ve had it for around 3 years ( guesstimate). The pain is so severe that I wonder if I’m even going to live long enough to see a med bed. I fully believe in the miracle that they are. I’m also a currency holder, so I hope to put it to good use by backing the med bed revolution in whatever way I can. I pray that I make it so I can aid others as well as myself. God bless the individuals and extraterrestrials who are bringing this technology to the forefront for mankind. God bless you all.
God Bless You Too 🙏❤️
Immediately start taking the dog dewormer fenbendazole. Fenben works on cancer everywhere in the body, including the Brain. Take 444mg per day, every day until it is gone.. Joe Tippen was told to go home and die from small-cell Lung Cancer. He would have, had a doctor friend not told him about Fenbendazole, which is an anti-parasite drug with a broad spectrum. Joe started taking it, and a few months later there was No Cancer detected. There are protocols you can get for free on the Internet, including Youtu7be. Get going and start today. Amazon is a good source, and it is very inexpensive. Cancer is a parasite, and it saved his life. Joe is now cancer-free.
My wife is only 76 but she is very sick and I would love for here to try Med Beds. We live in south Washington State very close to the town of Moscow Idaho. If someone knows when these beds will be available, Please let me know. you can email. thanks and God bless Mike
There will be a public announcement with a local 1800 number to call and book your appointment.. everything about these beds is free, if anyone tries to charge you for ANYTHING it is a scam.
Yes…completely free to all. Thank you for sharing that!
– Sickest – verge of death unjabbed first.
– Children and Seniors.
– Unjabbed will be first.
– Jabbed will be last – but not included.
Why? Understand and sorry to say facts but those taking the jab, can not use the beds to cure you. Because the poison contained so many poisons, wifi, nanobot that assemble inside your body, etc. It also contained 1,000s of single Alien Reptilitan DNA strands that attached to your birth DNA, making you not as you were at birth anymore. We don’t know what kind of alien DNA was placed inside the jabbed, as you have snake/reptilian DNA inside you.
Regret will last for eternity and no one, not even god can change your DNA, since you signed a contract to accept the altering of your DNA without question. One should have placed their lives in Gods natual life in your body, but you all jabbed ran to save your life with the promise of longer life. You turned away from him – he didn’t turn away from you. Maybe next time you’ll learn your lesson. You all need to come to grips you did it upon each one of you yourself – by evils pressures to get it in the mass brainwashing spell you all were under.
OMG! These are the most blatantly uncompassionate postings I’ve ever read.
I’m beginning to suspect this is an A.I. or CONTROLLED OPPOSITION with a nasty disposition – not worth the sweat off anyone’s brow. People going through difficult times don’t need something like this pulling the rug out from under them.
I, for one, won’t be wasting any further time on whatever this is. Everything will become clear for all of us once we have access to the Med Beds. Until then, let’s stay positive and looking towards a bright future.
Where I can get training
I ask the same question. I seek training in MedBeds.
I hope this is true. I know so many people that could benefit from this along with myself.
I’m a retired RN, who saw the Mrna injection as a war drug and advised my family not to take it. I am interested in learning how to help with med beds. I’m 67, retired for 5 yrs now. My RN license has retired too
I’m also in your same situation. If you would please text me, call me if you find out how we can contact to work with the Med Beds as I will notify you also. My sincere thanks
[email protected]
už se nemohu dočkat až tenhle prohnilý systém skončí a lidstvo se posune výš. Už nikdy snad nebudou války, zabíjení a honba za mocí. Med Bed budu také potřebovat a těším se na dobu, kdy lidé budou k sobě cítit lásku, ne závist a nenávist. Bude to skvělý Svět a Země zas bude vzkvétat a my s ní
Place aux enfants, aux combattants blessés, ensuite les malades en danger de perdre la vie et pour terminer à chaque humain méritant les medbets.
When is this happening cause I don’t think I will be alive much longer
I have a granddaughter who is completing her internship in the remaining few months of this year and will be posted to a hospital to start her specialist training. Would she not be a suitable candidate for Med Bed training?
There will be a public website for things such as med bed locations and training info, etc.. at this time, the only way to get training is to be employed at a med bed centre. Job posting will also be on that website, it’s not available yet, until the military med beds are publicly announced
It sounds like these med beds need to be taken downtown, much in the lines along with the galactic federation, the greys, the lizard people, and AND, and the soul catcher. All of them right straight downtown at AJ Downs N towns.
And then we the people will surely slam that sad Buddhist bee hive down on top of them. Yes the sacred hindu misnomer we have come to know as the wheel of life – and namely, the demon of death that holds it