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Mark these dates, because history is unfolding right before our eyes, and Trump’s plan is on a precise timeline that is already in motion.
December 1, 2024 – This will be the start of the full installation phase. Trump’s insiders have scheduled a nationwide “hospital infrastructure upgrade,” under which Med Beds will be placed in more than 50 hospitals across the country.
These “upgrades” will be publicly billed as general equipment improvements, but behind closed doors, they’ll be securing hospital floors and training operators in Med Bed technology. By the end of December, these Med Beds will be fully operational in each of these locations, disguised as routine additions to medical facilities.
January 20, 2025 – The day of Trump’s inauguration. This is the key date when Trump will no longer have to hide these advancements. As he takes office, Trump will sign executive orders specifically legalizing the use of Med Beds in every hospital across the country.
To fully unlock the potential of Med Beds, you must align your brain frequencies to maximize their effects. By training your brain to achieve optimal states—relaxing into alpha waves, accessing the deep intuition of theta waves, and harnessing the heightened focus of gamma waves—you can establish a powerful connection with the Med Beds. This preparation goes beyond basic healing, enabling your body and mind to tap into enhanced regeneration and peak performance.
Must Learn! – The Essential Brain Wave Training Needed to Operate Med Beds and Unlock Their Full Healing Power!

Expect a televised announcement about a new era of healthcare, but understand that it won’t just be about “improving” healthcare—it will be a declaration of freedom from Big Pharma’s chains. Hospitals, clinics, and even certain government facilities will immediately begin opening their Med Bed units to the public.
February 1, 2025 – By this date, the first independent Med Bed centers are expected to be up and running. These centers will operate outside the mainstream medical system, providing unrestricted access to Med Beds for all citizens.
Located in both urban and rural areas, these centers will be guarded by Trump’s loyalists to protect against any sabotage attempts from deep-state operatives. These centers will become the focal points of the Med Bed revolution, offering free or affordable treatments for any and all ailments.
March 15, 2025 – Trump has marked this as the beginning of a new national wellness program, and it’s no coincidence. On this date, he plans to implement what insiders are calling the “Med Bed Recovery Initiative,” which will facilitate free Med Bed access for veterans, the elderly, and anyone who has suffered from chronic illness.
Insider Info! – Essential GESARA Teachings Everyone Must Learn Before Entering the Medbed Healing Centers!

This will mark the official shift from the era of endless pharmaceuticals to one of true healing. Clinics and hospitals across the country will be required to have at least one Med Bed operational by this date, ensuring accessibility to all citizens, regardless of background or financial status.
April 2025 – In a decisive move, Trump will launch a “Truth in Medicine” public awareness campaign. The elites will no longer be able to hide. This campaign will reveal to the public how Med Beds work and expose decades of Big Pharma lies, showing the world that cures for diseases like cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s have been withheld.
For decades, we’ve been told that diseases are incurable, and that lifelong treatments are the only answer. By April, Med Bed success stories will flood the news, shattering these myths as patients and their families come forward to testify to the life-changing treatments they received.
June 1, 2025 – Trump’s “Quantum Healing Freedom Act” will be enacted. This legislation will secure the permanent integration of Med Beds into all medical facilities and eliminate any legal hurdles the deep state might attempt to erect in their final, desperate bids to block this technology.
The Act will also mandate transparency within the pharmaceutical industry, stripping Big Pharma of its power to hide information about alternative cures. Trump will initiate large-scale investigations into past medical fraud, exposing those who profited from keeping this technology hidden.
GONE VIRAL! – Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Declares Liv Pure a ‘Health Revolution’ – The Secret Formula Transforming Lives!

July 4, 2025 – Independence Day will be celebrated as never before. This will be the day when Trump officially declares America’s liberation from the medical-industrial complex. In a massive public event, he will reveal the truth to the world.
Med Bed centers across the country will be open 24/7, offering free treatments in honor of the day. This day will mark not only America’s freedom from political tyranny but from medical tyranny, as people reclaim their right to true health.
October 2025 – By October, Med Beds will be universally available in all hospitals, clinics, and wellness centers throughout the United States. This date marks the full deployment phase. Trump’s team expects that by this point, Med Bed technology will be integrated into mainstream healthcare worldwide, following America’s lead.
International Med Bed centers will also begin to operate, with countries across Europe, Asia, and South America initiating their own rollouts as Trump’s Quantum Healing Freedom Act sparks a global movement.
From December 2024 to October 2025, the world will witness the fall of a corrupt system and the birth of a new era of health and freedom. This timeline is no accident; Trump has orchestrated every step with precision, ensuring that by the time Med Beds reach the masses, the deep state will be powerless to stop it.
The wait is almost over. Humanity is about to break free from centuries of control, and Med Beds are the key to this revolution. The clock is ticking—brace yourselves, because true healing is on its way.

BOMBSHELL!! Trump Summons 74 World Leaders to Iceland Summit, Nov. 20-23, to Finalize NESARA and GESARA: $600 Trillion Seized, Military Raids Escalate, QFS Lockdown Begins, and Public Tribunals Set for Dec. 25 to End the Cabal’s Reign!