Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Trump Meets Zelenskyy Body Double

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By Michael Baxter 

President Donald J. Trump has reportedly told the criminal Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s body double that Ukraine will not find peace until it returns to the United States every illicit dollar it received from the criminal Biden regime. This figure could exceed a trillion dollars, which Ukraine spent not only on its illegal war but also on proliferating child sex trade and adrenochrome industries.

A man who looked like the Ukrainian president and verified pedophile visited the US last week to schmooze it up with administration officials in hopes of pinching even more US taxpayer dollars. As usual, the Deep State rolled out the red carpet for a man whose notorious exploits include sponsoring child sex traffickers and building Adrenochrome harvesting laboratories with US money. On Wednesday the imposter told the regime that Ukraine desperately needed more cash to defeat Vladimir Putin.  The following day he addressed the United Nations in New York, again condemning Vladimir Putin and beseeching the Assembly for weaponry to protect Ukraine’s population and nuclear power plants.

Among his seven stops was one most unusual; he had requested an audience with President Trump at Trump Tower in Manhattan. However, White Hats had already informed President Trump that the Zelenskyy currently in the United States was a fraud, a capably trained locum tenens whose mannerisms and speech mimicked the real Zelenskyy’s.

Our source said that US Army Cyber Command routinely watches foreign heads of state visiting the US for signs of fakery. Zelenskyy, he added, is among a throng of pretenders. Other leaders fond of sending body doubles include Justin Trudeau and Emmanuelle Macron.

“The ones we’d like to have a cozy chat with, they always send doubles,” our source said. “ARCYBER let Gen. Smith know Zelenskyy was a fake, and he told President Trump before the meeting. Trump said he’d meet the body double and lay down the law, so the double could relay what he said to the real Zelenskyy. If the real Zelenskyy were here, we’d arrest him.”

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The fractious duo met briefly Friday, and since their public comments have been broadly reported on, we won’t rehash what most already know. What went unreported, though, is Trump pulling Zelenskyy aside and reading him the riot act moments before he left the president’s property. Trump stared down his diminutive rival, giving him a deep, knowing look, as if to say “I know who you are. I know what you are,” and decidedly told him Ukraine would not find peace unless Zelenskyy acceded to three binding demands: refund all monies given to Ukraine by illegitimate pResident Joseph Biden; liberate all children held hostage in Ukraine by child trafficking and Adrenochrome cartels; and allow White Hats to access Ukrainian soil to ensure Zelenskyy isn’t rebuilding Deep State Biolabs with US money.

“Give that message to loser Zelenskyy,” Trump whispered to the body double.

“President Trump insists he can end the conflict with a phone call,” our source said, “but why help a POS that’s bankrupted our country and is a pedophile. Zelenskyy must bring something major to the table if he expects Trump’s help. As far as we’re concerned, Zelenskyy’s a war criminal, and if he ever does show his face in the US, he won’t be leaving. The only place he’ll go is to GITMO.”

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Helena Carey
Helena Carey
Helena Carey is a seasoned news author renowned for her engaging storytelling and insightful analysis. With a decade of journalism experience, she's a trusted voice in the ever-evolving news landscape.

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