Saturday, March 29, 2025

They’re Killing Us Slowly! The Globalist Plan to Poison Your Food and Take Over the World!

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They are poisoning our food, controlling our farms, and turning our very existence into a corporate experiment! This is no accident. This is no misguided attempt to “save the planet.” This is a coordinated, deliberate attack on humanity—and the worst part is, they’re getting away with it right in front of our faces.

Every bite you take, every meal you eat, you’re consuming a system designed to enslave you. Yes, enslave you. They are turning our food into a weapon, and they’re doing it with surgical precision, hiding behind false promises of “sustainability” and “feeding the world.”

It’s not just a food crisis. This is an intentional, global sabotage of our food sovereignty, and if you think this is about saving the environment, wake up! Bayer, Microsoft, Amazon, and their globalist partners are actively destroying the natural food system, replacing it with their genetically modified, chemically poisoned, corporate-controlled nightmare.

Bayer’s Climate FieldView is nothing more than a tool for total domination. This isn’t about helping farmers—it’s about watching them, controlling them, and owning their land. With satellites, drones, and a sophisticated network of data-mining algorithms, Bayer is tracking every move farmers make.

They decide what to plant, when to plant it, and exactly how much chemical poison (disguised as “fertilizer” and “pesticides”) gets dumped into the soil. The farmers don’t have a choice—they are forced to follow these digital instructions, handed down by a faceless corporation whose only goal is to consolidate power over our food supply.

Do you think this is just about profits? It goes much deeper than that. Bayer is creating dependence. Once a farmer signs up for their programs like ForGround and Carbon Program, they are locked in.

They can’t opt-out without losing their livelihood. Bayer tells them how to farm, how much carbon they’re allowed to sequester, and how much they’ll be paid (which is always a pittance compared to what Bayer rakes in through carbon credits). You know who buys these carbon credits? Microsoft, IBM, Amazon—all the usual suspects.

They’re using the illusion of “green agriculture” to buy their way out of the environmental destruction they’re causing elsewhere. Meanwhile, farmers are forced into digital servitude, chained to Bayer’s algorithms and corporate schemes.

And let’s not gloss over glyphosate—Bayer’s most toxic weapon. Marketed as a “climate-friendly” solution, they push no-till farming methods that require spraying massive amounts of RoundUp, a cancer-causing poison, across our fields. RoundUp is laced into our food, contaminating everything from the grains in your cereal to the vegetables on your dinner plate.

Think it’s just a problem in the United States? Think again. The globalist elite have their tentacles wrapped around the entire planet. In India, Bayer has teamed up with Amazon and Microsoft to create a one-world agriculture system where farmers no longer own their land, no longer control their crops, and no longer have a say in how their food is grown.

They’ve signed secretive deals with governments, creating a corporate-controlled food regime where genetically modified, chemically dependent crops replace traditional farming methods that have fed the world for centuries. This isn’t progress—this is a hostile takeover of the global food system.

These elites are deliberately driving farmers into debt, forcing them off their land, and consolidating control over every piece of food you eat. They want total domination—from the seed to your stomach. They are pushing lab-grown food, engineered crops, and a future where natural, organic food will be a thing of the past.

And if you think that’s just wild speculation, take a look at the gene-edited crops they’re already pushing. Bayer owns the patent on CoverCress, a gene-edited cover crop designed not for human consumption but for biofuels! They are turning your food into fuel for their profits while the rest of us starve on fake, chemically altered “food” designed to keep us docile, dependent, and sick.

And this is no accident—it’s part of a much larger technocratic agenda. As Yanis Varoufakis has pointed out, we’re witnessing the rise of technofeudalism. The big tech giants—Microsoft, Amazon, Google—are the new feudal lords. They control the platforms, the data, and increasingly, the food supply.

Through their partnerships with Bayer, Syngenta, and other agribusiness giants, they are creating a digital fiefdom, where every farmer is a serf who must pay tribute in the form of data, fees, and total compliance. In exchange, they receive the “privilege” of farming on land that they no longer control. This isn’t just a shift in power—it’s a revolution in how society functions, and it’s designed to strip us of every last shred of autonomy.

The Indian government is fully complicit in this. They’ve signed Memoranda of Understanding with Bayer, Microsoft, and Amazon, agreeing to push precision agriculture and data-driven farming on small, independent farmers.

This isn’t about helping farmers or feeding the country—this is about handing over control of India’s food supply to foreign corporations, destroying local agriculture, and erasing food sovereignty.

They’re replacing traditional crops with genetically modified seeds, creating a population dependent on Bayer’s products for survival. The long-term goal? To force hundreds of millions of people out of farming altogether, replacing them with robots and lab-grown meat, all while claiming to save the planet from environmental collapse. It’s a scam on a global scale.

And let me make this crystal clear: these corporations are poisoning the food intentionally. This is part of a larger depopulation agenda. They know what glyphosate does to the human body. They know that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are linked to infertility, cancer, and chronic illness.

They know that the long-term effects of consuming these toxins are devastating. And yet they continue to pump them into the food supply, poisoning the population to create a weaker, sicker, more compliant society. They are engineering a future where only the elite have access to real, healthy food while the rest of us are force-fed their synthetic, lab-grown garbage.

This is about control on every level—physical, psychological, and economic. They control the food, the money, and now they want to control you. Look at the rise of programmable digital currencies. Look at the track-and-trace systems they’re putting into place.

The very same corporations that control your food are also the ones pushing for a cashless society where every transaction, every movement, every thought can be tracked and monitored. Amazon, Google, Meta—they’re not just after your money, they want your mind. They’re developing neural laces and brain chips to monitor your moods, emotions, and thoughts.

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They are rolling out vaccines in food, trying to inject control directly into your bloodstream. And the more dependent we become on their food system, the easier it will be to control us through these technologies.

This is not the future—it’s the present. It’s happening now, and it’s being rammed down our throats by governments and corporations working together in a global conspiracy to turn humanity into a digitally enslaved, chemically controlled population. This isn’t about saving the environment or fighting climate change—it’s about totalitarian control.

It’s time to wake up and fight back. The first step is to take control of our food. Grow your own, support local farmers, and reject the poisonous products these corporations are pushing.

They want you to be dependent, sick, and controlled—but we can take back our sovereignty. This is a war for our very survival, and if we don’t act now, the future will belong to the elites, while the rest of us are left to starve in their engineered dystopia.

They are not just destroying food—they are destroying us.


  1. Ces gens démoniaques tomberont avant tous les peuples. Nous sommes petits mais forts avec Dieu dans notre coeur et esprit.


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Ethan White
Ethan White
A fearless truth-seeker and writer, as he uncovers untold stories with his sharp insights and unwavering dedication to journalistic integrity. Embark on a journey of enlightenment with Ethan's thought-provoking articles today.

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