Friday, October 11, 2024

The Real Storm Is Coming: They Created Hurricane Milton, Hid FEMA’s $7 Billion, and Are Using Weather Manipulation and Geoengineering to Control Us

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Hurricane Milton is barrelling towards Florida, and no one is prepared for what’s coming next. The public’s been force-fed the same story—just another devastating storm, another natural disaster for FEMA to mishandle.

But let’s face the facts: there’s a whole lot more going on than what we’re being told. You think this is just about wind speeds and rainfall? Think again. We’re staring down a storm of manipulation, and it goes far beyond the weather.

Let’s start with the basics. Hurricane Milton is a Category 5 storm, the strongest in recorded history, with sustained winds at a jaw-dropping 260 km/h. Yet, somehow, despite expert predictions that it would weaken before landfall, Milton has maintained its devastating power. Why? Because what’s fueling this storm might not be natural at all.

The Truth Behind Weather Manipulation

In recent years, high-tech advancements in weather manipulation have shifted from theoretical whispers to cutting-edge scientific reality. Laser-induced weather changes are no longer just the stuff of science fiction.

Scientists have discovered how to focus lasers to ionize air particles, influencing rain formation and even triggering lightning. These experiments aren’t happening in the shadows—they’re being publicly tested. The results? They’ve proven that we can now manipulate weather systems. And guess what? The elites are using it.

Hurricane Milton Follows Helene: Both Engineered to Destroy! FEMA’s Fake Aid Leaves Americans Stranded, Kamala Funnels Millions to Ukraine and Lebanon, While the US Drowns Under Government Control!

Hurricane Milton isn’t a freak of nature. It’s manufactured chaos, carefully planned to instill fear and dependency. This is not the first time weather control has been on the table.

During the Cold War, both the U.S. and the USSR experimented with weather manipulation as a weapon. What makes you think those experiments stopped? They didn’t. They just got more sophisticated, more covert, and more dangerous.

With the technological capabilities to create and steer storms, the possibility of using weather as a tool for geopolitical gain is too tempting for those in power to resist. And here’s where things get dark—Hurricane Milton could very well be a targeted strike against the people of Florida, a grand-scale test run for something much bigger.

Untapped FEMA Funds and the Deception of Mayorkas

Now, let’s get to the heart of the matter: the federal government’s deliberate mishandling of disaster relief funds. Remember Hurricane Helene? It devastated vast swaths of the U.S., including North Carolina, Tennessee, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Florida.

Yet, just days after the carnage, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas had the audacity to tell the American public that FEMA had no funds left for future disasters. He claimed there was nothing left in the tank as the country braced for even more storms this fall. “We do not have the funds to make it through the season and what is imminent,” he said, conveniently just as Hurricane Milton started gaining strength.

But here’s the kicker: an inspector general’s report from the Department of Homeland Security reveals that more than $7 billion remains untapped in FEMA’s coffers. That’s right—while Mayorkas was crying broke to the American people, billions sat unused.

Why would they lie?

Because the government’s lack of action isn’t incompetence. It’s intentional. They want to keep people vulnerable, dependent on FEMA’s half-hearted efforts. Keeping us in the dark and desperate is their strategy.

While Floridians scramble to find gas, with fuel trucks escorted by police to ensure the evacuation can continue, the truth is being buried. The question we should all be asking is, why is there such a vast discrepancy between what they say and what they have? Why would they deliberately withhold aid?

The Sinister Purpose of Geoengineering and Stratospheric Aerosol Injection

Weather manipulation goes hand-in-hand with geoengineering. Let’s talk about Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI), a method that involves spraying reflective particles into the atmosphere to combat global warming. Sound benign? Think again. These particles—aluminum, sulfur, and who knows what else—don’t just reflect sunlight. They poison the air, water, and land.

Aluminum levels in rainwater have been rising, and if you think that’s a coincidence, you’re not paying attention. Free aluminum particles, particularly from the airline industry, are being dispersed into the environment at alarming rates. The health risks? Off the charts. Aluminum exposure has been linked to neurological conditions like Alzheimer’s.

And here’s where it gets even more twisted—there’s evidence that the same particles are reducing the efficiency of solar panels by blocking sunlight. The government knows this, and yet, they continue with these dangerous geoengineering practices.

Why would they deliberately worsen environmental conditions? Because controlling the weather means controlling the world. Hurricanes like Milton are the perfect cover to test and expand these operations.

And don’t forget, spraying sulfuric acid into the atmosphere—a key component of SAI—doesn’t just reflect sunlight. It also creates acid rain, destroys ecosystems, and causes lasting damage to human health. The elites have no problem sacrificing our well-being for their global power plays.

FEMA’s Role: Protection or Control?

FEMA’s handling of these disasters is just another piece of the puzzle. After every major storm, it becomes glaringly obvious that FEMA is either woefully incompetent or deliberately withholding aid. The pattern is too consistent to be a coincidence. What’s really going on here? Is FEMA a relief organization, or are they playing a role in the greater scheme of control?

Look no further than the billions of unused funds. Mayorkas and FEMA officials want the public to believe that they’re stretched too thin to help. But the truth is, they’re orchestrating these disasters as part of a broader plan. Keep the public scrambling to survive, and you’ll have a nation that’s too distracted to fight back against creeping authoritarianism.

Conclusion: The Hurricane Milton Agenda

Make no mistake—Hurricane Milton is not just a natural disaster. It’s a weapon. From untapped FEMA funds to weather manipulation technologies and geoengineering projects, the evidence is stacking up.

UNBELIEVABLE! Government Helicopters Destroy Hurricane Helene Aid Supplies! Black SUVs Wipe Out Relief—Civilians Terrified to Seek Help!

The elites are using storms like Milton to further their own goals, testing how far they can push before the public wakes up to the truth.

They’re not just playing with our lives—they’re playing with the entire planet. The time to wake up is now. We’re not dealing with acts of God here. We’re dealing with acts of men—powerful men, with the means and motives to control the weather, suppress aid, and tighten their grip on humanity.

Milton may be hitting Florida, but the storm brewing beneath the surface is far more dangerous, and it’s time we started paying attention to the real game being played.

The storm isn’t just in the skies. It’s in the corridors of power, where decisions are being made that affect the lives of millions.

While you’re stocking up on supplies and hoping to ride out the storm, remember this: those in power are counting on you being too distracted to see the bigger picture.

Hurricane Milton Follows Helene: Both Engineered to Destroy! FEMA’s Fake Aid Leaves Americans Stranded, Kamala Funnels Millions to Ukraine and Lebanon, While the US Drowns Under Government Control!


  1. Jesus lord… the communists successfully infiltrated our government and now they are manipulating weather with brand new zionist chinese technology to instill fear into the minds of Americans.
    We are so doomed without MAGA, stay safe brothers

  2. If you know how to make these storms and it seems to be public knowledge. You
    know how to break them apart. Where’s the good in all this?? Do something!!!
    Let’s see an open display by
    the good guys.

  3. We the Citizens of America are doomed. and no one seems to care. Not our Military, not our Government, not Trump and the Patriots!! They all talk a good game…. But never show up !!! We all know the 5G towers are a weapon to eliminate us! We also know that there are stations that manipulate the Weather, and Where they are!! Yet the most Powerful Military in the world CAN/BUT will not BLOW THEM UP ??? No one is stopping Companies from putting POISONS in ALL OUR FOOD AND WATER !! Trump and the Patriot movement are not stopping ANYTHING!!! HOW MANY HAVE TO DIE FOR “THE PLAN!!” We the people are expendable…. But ALL OF THEM ARE STAYING SAFE AND HIDING. AND JUST WATCHING !!! PRAY TO GOD !!! BECAUSE Trump and his so called Military wants MORE of us DEAD!!!! Just like The Traitors of Politicians and Military…. But the BAD GUYS ARE WINNING !!!


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Ethan White
Ethan White
A fearless truth-seeker and writer, as he uncovers untold stories with his sharp insights and unwavering dedication to journalistic integrity. Embark on a journey of enlightenment with Ethan's thought-provoking articles today.

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