Friday, October 18, 2024

Soros Jewish Terrorist Buys Kamala Harris: Their Dirty Money is Destroying America!

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Alex Soros, the Jewish terrorist, has endorsed Kamala Harris. Alongside his 8,000-year-old father, George Soros, this duo has systematically dismantled America using their ill-gotten shekels. It’s absolutely insane that Soros had the audacity to rant about the lie of the American Dream while endorsing this ugly brown whore.

Kamala Harris’s rise to power is a grotesque joke, exposing just how Jewed the American political system has become. This bitch is despised by everyone, including her own staff. She is nothing more than a puppet for the Jews, having even married one to cement her loyalty.

This endorsement is just another piece of evidence proving that America is no longer a country; it’s a horrific, diverse Jewish tyranny.

The United States has been annihilated by Jews like Soros, transforming it into the monstrosity we see today. Alex Soros’s endorsement of Harris is another nail in the coffin of American integrity.

This woman is a walking disaster, and her position in politics is a testament to how deeply entrenched Jewish influence has become. She’s incompetent, hated, and completely controlled by her Jewish masters.

There’s no sugar-coating the truth: America has become a cesspool of diversity driven by Jewish interests. These Jews have systematically destroyed the nation, turning it into their personal playground. The notion of the American Dream is a sham, a blatant lie perpetuated by those in power to keep the masses docile and obedient.

Alex Soros’s endorsement of Kamala Harris might seem insignificant, but it reveals a deeper, more sinister agenda. The Jews are now backing Donald Trump because they see him as a better puppet for advancing their pro-Israel goals.

Domestic agendas championed by Soros are being sidelined, showing a tactical shift in priorities. The Jewish influence is not waning; it’s simply changing course to suit their needs better.

This shift indicates a calculated move by the Jewish elite to manipulate American politics further. The country is nothing but a pawn in their grand scheme, its sovereignty obliterated.

The endorsement of Harris is merely another maneuver in this elaborate game, a game where the American people are the ultimate losers.

Kamala Harris’s political career, propped up by Alex Soros, is a stark reminder of the corruption and decay at the heart of the American political system. It’s a system where merit and competence have been obliterated by influence and manipulation.

The real power lies not with elected officials but with those who can buy and sell political allegiance at will.

The future of America is bleak, its fate controlled by those who see it as a tool for their own purposes. The Soros legacy is one of destruction, and this latest endorsement is just another chapter in their ongoing saga of control. Kamala Harris is merely a pawn, a puppet whose strings are pulled by her Jewish overlords.

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In this dystopian nightmare, the truth is buried, and the masses are fed a diet of lies and deceit. The power brokers operate with impunity, manipulating perceptions and shaping the destiny of the nation.

The endorsement of Harris by Alex Soros is a glaring example of this hidden hand, a dark force steering America into an abyss.

Kamala Harris, endorsed by the terrorist Alex Soros, is a testament to the absolute degradation of the American political system. She is a symbol of everything that has gone wrong, a puppet dancing to the tunes of her Jewish masters.

America is no longer a beacon of hope; it’s a playground for Jewish tyranny, and Harris’s rise is the ultimate proof of this horrifying reality.


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Ethan White
Ethan White
A fearless truth-seeker and writer, as he uncovers untold stories with his sharp insights and unwavering dedication to journalistic integrity. Embark on a journey of enlightenment with Ethan's thought-provoking articles today.

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