Friday, October 11, 2024

Russia’s Gold Standard, QFS Satellites, and Starlink Annihilate the Fiat System—Globalist Financial Control SHATTERED as Deep State Scrambles to Hide Their Collapse!

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The veil is lifting even faster than anyone anticipated. As of October 11, 2024, new and explosive revelations are hitting the public sphere, exposing the final pieces of the global control puzzle the DS has tried desperately to conceal. Brace yourself, because what’s coming now will make everything you’ve seen before look like child’s play.

The Russian gold-backed ruble is now fully operational, but this is just the beginning of the true financial revolution. New intelligence has surfaced that Russia isn’t acting alone. China, India, and Brazil have all quietly been preparing to join Russia in a multi-nation gold-backed currency alliance.

This alliance is designed specifically to take down the SWIFT system—the cornerstone of the DS’s control over international financial transactions. For decades, SWIFT has been the Deep State’s global money-moving machine, where corruption, bribes, and dirty deals were conducted with impunity.

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But now, as the gold-backed alliance strengthens, the SWIFT system is beginning to collapse from within. This is a direct assault on the petrodollar, and with the world turning away from fiat currency, the DS’s entire financial empire is crumbling before our very eyes.

But it goes deeper. The new gold-backed ruble system is now linked to Russia’s energy markets, specifically natural gas and oil, which means the entire European Union is on the verge of financial collapse.

As of October 2024, several European nations—including Germany, France, and Italy—have started behind-the-scenes negotiations to move away from the dollar and adopt the gold-backed ruble for energy transactions.

These governments know the truth: the U.S. dollar is dying, and the gold-backed currencies are the only safe haven left. The panic within the European Union is palpable. They’ve been caught between their puppet masters in the DS and the inevitable financial revolution unfolding across the globe.

At the same time, more military movements are being detected worldwide. As of October 2024, U.S. military bases in Europe have been receiving orders for unprecedented troop realignments. Sources are leaking that thousands of soldiers are being prepped for deployment—not for foreign conflicts, but for domestic operations within the U.S. The reason? The DS is preparing for an internal collapse of the financial system in the U.S. and is gearing up for civil unrest.

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The Federal Reserve, which has been controlled by DS elites for over a century, is on its last legs. New documents leaked from within the Federal Reserve suggest they’ve been buying up gold in secret to hedge against the total collapse of the dollar.

These same elites are preparing to flee the country when the inevitable happens. Their escape routes, mainly via South America and private islands in the Caribbean, have been meticulously planned. But it’s too late—they’re running out of time.

And let’s not forget the Quantum Financial System (QFS). Just last week, on October 4, 2024, a new QFS satellite was launched under the radar, linking the system to Starlink. This means the QFS can now operate globally, independently of Earth-based infrastructure, allowing it to sidestep any DS interference.

The fake QFS groups that have been popping up in places like Japan and Southeast Asia are being systematically dismantled by military operations tied to the QFS. These fake groups were set up by the DS as a last-ditch effort to confuse and mislead the public.

But now, with Starlink integration, the true QFS has complete transparency over financial flows globally. Every illegal transfer, every dirty deal, is being recorded and will soon be exposed in military tribunals.

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President Trump is not staying silent on these issues. On October 7, 2024, Trump, in a closed-door meeting, informed his inner circle that Day X is almost here. Recent arrests and indictments of top DS figures, including Hunter Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Adam Schiff, have been timed to coincide with this financial revolution.

The plan is simple: expose the corruption of the elites in tandem with the financial collapse, so there’s no way for the DS to escape accountability. Trump’s message to the American people is clear: prepare for martial law.

When the financial system collapses, the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) will be activated, and the 10 Days of Darkness will commence. During this time, all communications will be controlled by the military, and the truth about the DS’s operations will be broadcast worldwide. People need to be ready, because when the storm hits, it will be brutal.

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In connection to the Hunter Biden laptop revelations, new classified documents have surfaced linking Joe Biden’s administration directly to trafficking operations involving THORN, the same organization that was initially marketed as a group fighting child exploitation.

These revelations, which came to light in October 2024, indicate that THORN was not only a front for trafficking but was used by elites in government and entertainment as a cover for their criminal operations.

This is why the media blackout on the laptop has been so aggressive—if the truth came out, the entire Hollywood elite, alongside government officials, would be implicated. But it’s too late to hide now. Hollywood is burning, and major players are preparing to flee or strike deals before the inevitable public backlash.

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The WHO’s recent backpedaling on masks isn’t just an admission of failure—it’s part of a larger agenda to cover up the truth about the pandemic. New reports indicate that Project Veritas and other whistleblowers have been gathering evidence that the COVID vaccines were never about health—they were about injecting nanotechnology into the population for surveillance and control.

The recent CDC data leak from October 2024 shows that the vaccine ingredients, particularly the graphene oxide, were designed to interact with 5G towers, turning vaccinated individuals into walking receivers for government surveillance.

This is why the Starlink-QFS connection is so vital—Starlink satellites are being used not just for financial oversight but to disrupt the DS’s surveillance network, which was activated under the guise of the pandemic.

The 5G towers, once thought to be for faster internet, were part of the DS’s plan to track every individual on the planet. But with the QFS and Starlink in place, the DS’s tech infrastructure is being exposed and will soon be shut down.

The dots are connecting. The gold standard, the collapse of SWIFT, the QFS, the Biden administration’s crimes, the WHO’s lies, and the Starlink integration—it’s all coming together.

We are on the precipice of the most massive takedown of global corruption the world has ever seen. The DS is out of moves. They can run, but they cannot hide.

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  1. Just a word to Gazetteller website. Some of the print is in bold black and is very easy to read. Thank you for that. And some of the print is in almost faded light blue and it’s very hard to read. Why is that?


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Ethan White
Ethan White
A fearless truth-seeker and writer, as he uncovers untold stories with his sharp insights and unwavering dedication to journalistic integrity. Embark on a journey of enlightenment with Ethan's thought-provoking articles today.

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