Saturday, October 12, 2024

MASSIVE!!! Trump’s Master Plan Explodes: Military Raids Obliterate Elite Pedophile Rings Hiding in Underground Bunkers from New York to CERN and Antarctica—DARPA’s AI Systems Like THORN Used to Track and Traffic Children!

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This is happening right now, in real time, and the world will soon be forced to face the truth. The deep state’s darkest secrets, the global network of child trafficking and pedophilia that has controlled the highest levels of power for decades, is finally being torn apart. And leading this charge is none other than Donald J. Trump, backed by a coalition of white hat military leaders, intelligence agencies, and patriots who have had enough.

This war is to expose and dismantle the satanic elite cabal that has operated in the shadows for too long. And the stakes couldn’t be higher. The military, armed with the most advanced technology ever seen, has been systematically raiding and seizing deep state facilities around the globe, and the evidence they’ve uncovered will shock the world to its core. More Info on

As of October 8, 2024, these operations have escalated, and major raids have already occurred in locations previously thought untouchable. The cabal has nowhere left to hide.

Antarctica, once a remote and mysterious land, is now the epicenter of this global takedown. Military operations have stormed underground bunkers and high-tech compounds where the elites thought they could hide forever. These facilities weren’t just hiding places—they were command centers, controlling global trafficking networks and storing vast amounts of data on their evil operations.

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The military has seized everything: servers, documents, blackmail materials, and evidence of the elites’ involvement in child trafficking. The world will soon know the truth—Antarctica wasn’t just a frozen wasteland, it was a sanctuary for the worst criminals in human history.

Cheyenne Mountain, the heart of the U.S. military’s most secretive operations, has been activated at unprecedented levels. What the public doesn’t know is that Cheyenne Mountain has been housing advanced AI systems capable of monitoring, tracking, and exposing the deep state’s global activities. More Info on

From here, white hats are controlling operations like Starlink, using satellite technology to map out and dismantle trafficking routes, monitor deep state communications, and clone their most sensitive data. Every piece of the puzzle is being gathered, and the elites have no escape.

But it doesn’t stop with Antarctica and Cheyenne Mountain. White hats have stormed Silicon Valley, hitting tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft. These aren’t just tech companies—they’re integral parts of the deep state’s surveillance network, controlling everything from social media to global communications.

Inside these data centers, military operatives have uncovered disturbing evidence that ties these companies directly to global child trafficking networks. DARPA’s involvement with these tech companies runs deep, and their AI systems were being used to track children, catalog them using facial recognition software like THORN, and deliver them to the elites.

The raids have seized countless servers, encrypted files, and communications that will expose the names of billionaires, politicians, and tech moguls who are complicit in these horrific crimes.

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The takedown of Epstein Island was just the beginning. Recently, military operations uncovered secret underground tunnels beneath the island that led to other Caribbean locations. These tunnels housed chambers where the elites would conduct their most depraved rituals—abuse, torture, and exploitation of children. More Info on

The military has video evidence, documents, and lists of those involved, including the most powerful figures in politics, finance, and entertainment. Kamala Harris, Bill Gates, and a host of others frequented this island not just for Epstein’s sick parties but as part of a larger, global network that spanned continents. Now, it’s all coming out.

In Geneva, Switzerland, the military has raided CERN, exposing a dark secret that goes beyond particle physics. CERN has long been rumored to be involved in human experimentation and mind control, and the raids confirmed it.

The underground bunkers housed not just scientific equipment but human trafficking data—evidence of children being used in horrific experiments as part of the deep state’s MK-Ultra programs. The Vatican’s involvement is now undeniable, with ties leading directly to the Jesuits, who have orchestrated these operations from the shadows for centuries.

The files seized from CERN are damning, implicating top European officials, scientists, and religious leaders in a global network of exploitation. More Info on

But perhaps the most shocking raid happened in Berlin, Germany, where the European Central Bank was exposed as a financial hub for trafficking operations. The military uncovered a pipeline of dark money flowing from the bank to trafficking networks across Europe and the Middle East.

High-level European politicians, including members of the European Parliament, have been implicated in this massive operation. Even more explosive is the evidence linking the World Economic Forum (WEF) to the funding and protection of these networks. The WEF’s Great Reset is now exposed for what it really is—a cover for global trafficking and elite control over humanity.

In Sydney, Australia, another critical raid took place, targeting underground facilities used to traffic children from Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. Australian elites have been complicit in these operations, and the evidence collected shows just how deep the corruption goes.

Servers filled with videos, transaction records, and communications between traffickers and buyers have been seized. The names on these lists will shock the world, and the connections to Hollywood, U.S. politicians, and global corporations are undeniable. The Pacific trafficking network has been dismantled, and high-level arrests are imminent. More Info on

And let’s not forget Buckingham Palace, where the British monarchy has been shielding their own involvement in global trafficking for generations. The military has raided hidden compartments beneath the palace, finding documents and communications that tie the royals directly to Epstein and other elite pedophilia networks.

The Queen’s estate at Balmoral is also under investigation, and the evidence is clear—the British monarchy has been a central player in the global child exploitation network. The Vatican and the royals, two of the most powerful institutions in the world, are now fully exposed for their roles in these atrocities.

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New York City has become another hotspot for military operations, specifically targeting underground bunkers in Wall Street. These bunkers housed trafficking chambers, where the elite would use children as leverage in high-stakes financial deals.

The evidence collected here includes the names of top Wall Street financiers, CEOs, and political figures, all involved in the darkest operations imaginable. The military has seized encrypted data, financial records, and communications that show how deeply the financial system is tied to global child trafficking. Wall Street isn’t just about money—it’s about power, control, and exploitation.

But the most damning evidence has come from the Vatican itself. The military, after years of investigation, has finally raided the Vatican’s secret archives, uncovering files that show the Catholic Church’s direct involvement in trafficking children through its orphanages and charities. More Info on

The Vatican wasn’t just turning a blind eye to abuse—they were orchestrating it, using their global influence to protect and expand these trafficking operations. The Jesuits, who have controlled the Vatican’s darkest dealings for centuries, are now fully exposed. The evidence gathered will lead to the dismantling of the entire Catholic hierarchy, as their role in these crimes is undeniable.

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This is it. The storm is here. The military has the data, the evidence, and the technology to bring the deep state cabal crashing down. Raids are happening across the globe, from Antarctica to New York, from the Vatican to Australia, and no elite is safe.

The days of child trafficking, pedophilia, and satanic rituals are over. The world is waking up, and Donald J. Trump, Elon Musk, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, and the white hats are leading the charge. The deep state thought they could hide, but now they are being dragged into the light, and justice is coming. More Info on

This is the final battle for humanity. The truth is out, the evidence is undeniable, and the cabal’s days are numbered.

Every raid, every piece of evidence, every arrest is bringing us closer to the total collapse of their sick system.

Nothing can stop what’s coming.


  1. Trump and the never seen Military are responsible for putting America in a situation where The Patriots movement can not protect the American Citizens !!! Trump has allowed our country to be invaded by our enemies!! He even went so far as ASKING them to send part of their military to help FIGHT !! but with who ??? So far they are killing Americans !!! They are claiming WE have nothing to fear…. they have American Citizens Protected??? REALLY ???? THIS IS WHAT YOU ARE CALLING PROTECTED??? AMERICA IS GOING TO FALL…. AND THE BLAME IS ALL ON MAGA LACK OF COMPETENCE!! TRUST THE PLAN…. AND DIE !!! And I trusted Trump 100% Even voted for him every time he ran for office. He has been a HUGE disappointment the past 4 years !!! I may abstain from voting at all in the election…. All because of TRUMP and The scared Military…..

  2. I know at least three people that are hoping for the Med Bed roll out to rid themselves of a lot of pain and anxiety and it looks like we just got a step closer. I myself am also a hopeful recipient to fix a lot of problems. I had a heart operation a couple years ago and it could use a tune up, hopefully sooner than later.


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Ethan White
Ethan White
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