Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Lockheed Martin’s $37.2 Million Deal with DARPA: The SemaFor AI Project That Will Hijack Your Data and Turn It into a Weapon of Total Surveillance!

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Lockheed Martin, a massive weapons manufacturer, just got $37.2 million of YOUR tax dollars to build a new tool for DARPA, the dark arm of the Pentagon. Let that sink in for a minute. This isn’t just about developing technology – this is about surveillance.

They’ve built something called Semantic Forensics (SemaFor), and it’s designed to clamp down on so-called “disinformation.” But this isn’t about protecting the public from fake news; this is about total control, about monitoring every single thing you do, say, or think.

Do you honestly think for a second that DARPA cares about AI deepfakes or online falsehoods? No. That’s the cover story. What they’re really doing is using this as an excuse to deploy an all-encompassing surveillance system that will scrutinize every byte of data you send. The elites want to know everything—your thoughts, your conversations, your search history. They want to dissect your life to ensure you remain docile, compliant, and unaware of the truth.

And don’t be fooled by their “we’re just trying to protect you” narrative. DARPA has a long history of shady, Orwellian projects. From manipulating the internet to perfecting military-grade AI, they have never once acted in the interest of ordinary citizens. Now, with SemaFor, they’ve created a system that will dictate what is “real” and what is “fake.” The question isn’t whether they can detect deepfakes, the real question is: Who controls the truth?

This is a full-blown assault on your freedom, designed to strip you of your ability to question anything. They’ll label anything that challenges their narrative as “disinformation,” and you won’t even realize it’s happening. And here’s the kicker—this isn’t about stopping lies, it’s about manufacturing new ones.

The very tool they’ve built to “detect disinformation” will be the same one used to craft the most convincing, government-approved lies you’ll ever see. Deepfakes will become a tool for THEM, not us.

Look at the bigger picture. DARPA isn’t working alone. This is a coordinated effort by the global elite to keep the masses in check. Big Tech, Big Pharma, and the corporate media are all part of this, working hand in glove with DARPA to ensure that you stay misinformed, distracted, and under control.

You really think the suppression of Hunter Biden’s laptop was an isolated incident? No. It was just the tip of the iceberg. The entire disinformation machine is there to protect the elites and destroy anyone who dares question their power.

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Remember when the government and media told you that the Covid vaccines were “safe and effective”? That was nothing short of a massive, orchestrated cover-up, burying the real data that proved the opposite. They shoved these vaccines down your throat while censoring any contrary voices.

And when people finally caught on, what did they do? Label any dissent as “disinformation.” The SemaFor project is just the next evolution in this censorship campaign, ensuring that any inconvenient truths about their lies will be erased from the internet before you can even see them.

But here’s where it gets darker. DARPA isn’t just focusing on disinformation at the national level. They want to control the global narrative. Ever wonder why Zelensky and the Ukraine war are plastered across every news outlet, while voices questioning U.S. involvement are silenced? It’s all part of the same playbook.

The U.S. government is already planning to fund the Ukraine war for another 10 years, and when citizens finally revolt against it, DARPA will step in with their AI to label any opposition as fake news. They’ll craft deepfake videos, change statements, and feed you a narrative designed to crush dissent before it even begins.

And don’t forget: DARPA has a history of getting their hands dirty when it comes to manipulating the public. Back in the early days of the internet, they were involved in developing the technologies that allowed the NSA to spy on every American.

Now, with SemaFor, they’re building a digital weapon to take that surveillance to the next level. They won’t just be reading your emails or listening to your phone calls anymore—they’ll be watching and controlling the very content you see.

But the most chilling part? This AI won’t just be used to detect so-called disinformation. It will be used to CREATE it. Imagine a world where your government can manufacture videos, images, and audio that never happened, but make them so convincing that they’re impossible to disprove.

They can put words in your mouth, fabricate statements from leaders, and rewrite history. And if you try to call them out on it? Guess what? You’re the disinformation agent now, and you’ll be silenced.

Let’s not forget the “international level” DARPA loves to mention. What they won’t tell you is that this is a globalist agenda in disguise. Other countries—China, Russia, you name it—are building their own deepfake AI tech, but don’t think they’re in competition with DARPA.

They’re all working towards the same goal: total population control on a global scale. These AIs will eventually be networked together, sharing data, manipulating information worldwide, all under the guise of fighting “disinformation.”

Do you really think it’s a coincidence that as this tech rolls out, social media platforms, which are already censoring you, are working directly with the government? The writing is on the wall. This is about creating a world where free thought is crushed before it even takes root, where the masses are pacified with fake news and digital bread and circuses, while the elites pull the strings behind the scenes.

And you better believe this is just the beginning. Once DARPA’s tool is perfected, it’s going to be used for much more than surveillance. This is about laying the groundwork for a full-on dystopian nightmare. Ever hear of “pre-crime”? They’ll use this AI to predict and suppress dissent before it even happens, labeling people as threats based on their digital footprint, long before they ever speak out. Your every thought, every opinion will be monitored, cataloged, and, if necessary, erased.

In the end, this isn’t about stopping deepfakes—it’s about making sure that you only see the reality they want you to see. This is the endgame. If they control the narrative, they control the world. And SemaFor? It’s their weapon of mass control, their tool to ensure that we-the-people never rise up against their tyranny.

They’ll rewrite history, suppress the truth, and imprison anyone who dares to question them in the digital gulag of their making.

Wake up. This is happening right now.

DARPA, Big Tech, Big Pharma—they’re all coming for you.

And if you think for a second that they’re doing it for your benefit, you’re already lost.

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  1. so let me get this straight:nesara/gesara is going to save us all but lockheed martin/DARPA/SemaFor is just going to turn it all around and screw us all over again,making nesara/gesara useless…….total confusion here….


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Ethan White
Ethan White
A fearless truth-seeker and writer, as he uncovers untold stories with his sharp insights and unwavering dedication to journalistic integrity. Embark on a journey of enlightenment with Ethan's thought-provoking articles today.

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