Tuesday, October 15, 2024


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It’s not a matter of if GESARA will happen. It’s already happening. The preparations have been laid out behind the scenes, and a covert Military Alliance has been quietly working to bring GESARA into full global implementation. They don’t want you to know this, but the reality is, the clock is ticking, and the elites are scrambling in fear, knowing their time is almost up.

Forget the lies and propaganda they’ve been feeding you through their controlled media networks. The truth is, a massive military operation is underway to dismantle the corrupt systems that have enslaved humanity for generations. (More Info on gazetteller.com) GESARA is the plan that will bring down the entire global elite cabal, strip them of their power, and return control of the world’s wealth to the people.

The Military Alliance and Their Global Operation

The elite don’t want you to believe this, but the military forces preparing for GESARA’s implementation are not limited to any one nation. This is a global operation. A secret alliance of military leaders and intelligence operatives from across the world, known as the Earth Alliance, have been coordinating for years to bring GESARA to fruition. And it’s all happening in the shadows.

Insider Info! – The GESARA Teachings You Must Learn Before the Greatest Wealth Transfer in History Reclaims Money from the Elites and Returns It to You!

Military bases around the world have been retrofitted to act as command centers for the upcoming global transition. Key assets have already been deployed to strategic locations worldwide, and preparations for mass arrests of elites involved in financial crimes, child trafficking rings, and satanic ritual abuses are already well underway.

These arrests will shock the world, as names of well-known politicians, billionaires, and corporate executives are publicly revealed in the coming weeks. (More Info on gazetteller.com)

This is not speculation – these arrests are part of a carefully coordinated takedown of the global elite and their entire network. The media blackout on this topic? It’s deliberate. They don’t want the public to panic until the moment of truth. But when the Military Alliance activates the Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA), it will be impossible for anyone to deny what’s happening.

Advanced Technologies Already in Play – Military Preparations for the Financial Reset

Behind closed doors, the Military Alliance is already deploying technology to ensure the smooth implementation of GESARA. Quantum Financial Systems (QFS) have been tested, perfected, and are ready to replace the corrupt banking system that has kept us enslaved for centuries.

You’ve heard about the QFS, but what the media won’t tell you is that the system has already been fully activated in several key countries, with operations expanding worldwide as we speak.

Must Watch! – Einstein’s Quantum Manuscript Revealed: Why QFS Is the Ultimate Financial System and How We Can Benefit from It!

Military satellites have been recalibrated to secure the encrypted infrastructure needed for the QFS, ensuring that no rogue elements can interfere. This system will not only facilitate the largest wealth transfer in human history, but it will also ensure complete transparency, eliminating the ability of the elites to siphon off wealth through their corrupt banking schemes.

Gone are the days of secret offshore accounts, tax evasion, and money laundering. The QFS will trace every transaction, making sure that the wealth stolen by the elites is returned to the people.

And this isn’t just about money – this is about breaking the stranglehold the elites have had on every aspect of our lives. When GESARA is fully implemented, humanity will no longer be under the thumb of central banks, debt slavery, or corrupt political systems. (More Info on gazetteller.com) The Military Alliance knows the scale of the mission they’ve undertaken, and they are prepared to go all the way.

The Elite’s Desperation – Desperate Moves to Block GESARA

The panic within elite circles is palpable. They’ve tried everything to stop this – from orchestrating global crises, manipulating the stock markets, and engineering false-flag events. COVID-19, wars, and economic instability? All tools of distraction used by the elite to buy themselves time. But time is running out.

The Military Alliance has them cornered, and they know it. The Deep State is desperate, resorting to their final tricks, including the use of weather manipulation and HAARP technology to create catastrophic “natural” disasters. Hurricane Milton? Hurricane Helene? These aren’t random acts of nature.

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They are deliberate, manufactured crises designed to keep the public in fear and distract from the fact that GESARA is about to be revealed. They’re throwing everything they can at the world in a last-ditch effort to maintain control, but it won’t work.

In fact, the Military Alliance has anticipated every one of their moves. Intelligence intercepts from the highest levels have uncovered their plans, and the Alliance has been actively neutralizing them.

For every hurricane they try to manipulate, for every economic collapse they try to trigger, the Alliance has a countermeasure in place. The elites’ house of cards is coming down faster than they can rebuild it.

The Elite Takedown and Global Trials

Get ready for the most shocking revelations you’ve ever witnessed. The secret trials have already started. Military tribunals are being held at undisclosed locations across the world, where top figures from banking cartels, corrupt governments, and the tech industry are being tried for crimes against humanity. (More Info on gazetteller.com)

The trials are real, and soon, the public will be made aware of the high-level convictions taking place behind the scenes. When the time is right, these names will be released in an explosive global broadcast, accompanied by the financial reset that GESARA promises.

The indictments have been sealed for years, but the military is ready to unseal them all at once. Mass arrests will sweep across Europe, the U.S., Asia, and beyond. Do not be surprised when some of the most beloved “heroes” of society are revealed as nothing more than puppets of the Deep State. These are the very same people who’ve been controlling global financial systems, keeping you in chains.

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The 10 Days of Darkness and the Emergency Broadcast System

The next phase of the operation is imminent, and when it happens, the world will be plunged into the “10 Days of Darkness.” During this period, the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) will be activated globally, and the Military Alliance will seize control of all broadcast networks. During these 10 days, the entire population will be exposed to the truth, unfiltered and uncensored. No more lies, no more media manipulation.

The EBS will broadcast the military tribunals, the confessions, and the takedowns of the elites in real-time. The elites know this is coming, and they’ve been scrambling to block it, but they can’t stop what’s already in motion.

Prepare for power outages, communication blackouts, and the shutdown of the internet during this period as the Military Alliance clears out the final remnants of the Deep State’s control.

Global Wealth Redistribution – The GESARA Economic Boom

When GESARA is fully activated, there will be a global economic reset unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. The wealth that has been hoarded by the elites for centuries will be redistributed to the people. Debt forgiveness will sweep across nations, wiping out personal, corporate, and national debts. Housing bubbles, credit card debts, student loans – all of it gone.

The wealth of corrupt corporations and the 1% will be seized and reallocated to humanitarian projects, infrastructure development, and the rebuilding of communities that have been devastated by the elite’s financial tyranny. Prepare for a new era of prosperity and abundance, where the manipulation of markets and the hoarding of resources by a select few will be a thing of the past.

Insider Info! – The GESARA Teachings You Must Learn Before the Greatest Wealth Transfer in History Reclaims Money from the Elites and Returns It to You!

This is the world GESARA promises, and the Military Alliance is ensuring that it happens. They’ve been working in the shadows, pulling the strings to set us free. Now, it’s time for you to wake up and get ready for the greatest global transformation in human history. (More Info on gazetteller.com)

The Final Countdown – GESARA’s Implementation is Imminent

The preparations are in place, and the time has come. The Military Alliance is ready to make their move, and the elite’s days of control are numbered. GESARA is real, and its implementation is closer than you think.

You can feel it in the air, in the way world events are unfolding. The elite’s empire is crumbling, and soon, the people will rise, reclaiming their rightful place in a world no longer shackled by the chains of money and debt.

So, the question is not if GESARA will happen. It’s when. And when it does, the world will be forever changed.

Prepare yourself. The Military Alliance is ready. The countdown has begun.

BREAKING! GESARA Is Here: The Biggest Wealth Transfer in History Begins as the QFS Wipes Out Globalist Banks – Mass Arrests Are Coming, Trump’s Secret Movements, and the 10 Days of Darkness Are Upon Us!


  1. The first thing most people do not understand is that a tax is something they rent. License plate, property tax, you don’t own it you lease it and pay the county the tax.( Fraud) This article I believe has been in the working for a long time. IF it is to come to reality then that would be a great move from slavery for the debt we have been put under. Your name in all CAPITOL Letters is a fiction. Check blacks law 4&6 addition. It is the only way a debt person can operate in commerce.
    So much for that let’s see if this comes true.🤞


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Ethan White
Ethan White
A fearless truth-seeker and writer, as he uncovers untold stories with his sharp insights and unwavering dedication to journalistic integrity. Embark on a journey of enlightenment with Ethan's thought-provoking articles today.

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