Thursday, September 19, 2024

Explosive! Clinton’s Call to Jail Trump Supporters After Failed Assassination Plot!

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Hillary Clinton has once again revealed her true face—one of corruption, deception, and violence—just 24 hours after a second brazen assassination attempt on President Trump in less than two months. The globalist elites are terrified, and their puppet, Clinton, is out for blood. This is a direct attack on the very foundation of America, and if you’re still sleeping, it’s time to wake up.

The facts are undeniable: shots were fired at Trump’s golf club in West Palm Beach on Sunday. This wasn’t a random act of violence. It was a coordinated, deliberate hit on Trump, orchestrated by those who are desperate to silence the one man standing in the way of their total control. President Trump was on the 5th hole, alongside real estate investor Steve Witkoff, when the gunman—identified as 58-year-old Routh—took his shot.

This wasn’t some lone wolf incident. Routh didn’t just wake up and decide to target Trump; he was activated. And let’s not gloss over the key detail here: authorities still haven’t confirmed if the shots came from Routh or the Secret Service neutralizing him. Why? Because the truth is being buried, as usual.

But instead of condemning the attack, Clinton sprinted to Rachel Maddow’s show, eager to spread more venom. She called Trump “a danger to our country and the world,” without a hint of irony. Clinton’s audacity is off the charts—she’s the one who’s the danger, the one who’s orchestrating this madness from the shadows. This is a call to action for the unhinged left, a green light to continue their assault on Trump and, by extension, every American who dares to stand with him.

Maddow, in her usual smug tone, didn’t even attempt to hide her glee. Before Clinton even spoke, Maddow went on a 12-minute tirade, calling Trump a racist and comparing him to Nazis. This is psychological warfare, plain and simple.

They’re trying to brainwash the masses into believing that taking out Trump is necessary. The left’s agenda isn’t just about winning elections—it’s about total domination, and they’re willing to spill blood to get there.

Then Clinton doubles down, demanding the media push a “consistent narrative” about Trump’s supposed danger. Let’s decode that for what it is: a demand for outright propaganda, a one-sided blitz that would make even Orwell blush. She even drags out the ghost of Terry Evans to justify her warped sense of journalism, claiming the press needs to stay “objective” by focusing solely on Trump’s “danger.”

Then Clinton doubles down, demanding the media push a “consistent narrative” about Trump’s supposed danger. Let’s decode that for what it is: a demand for outright propaganda, a one-sided blitz that would make even Orwell blush. She even drags out the ghost of Terry Evans to justify her warped sense of journalism, claiming the press needs to stay “objective” by focusing solely on Trump’s “danger.”

But what’s the real danger here?

It’s the fact that a former Secretary of State is openly advocating for the suppression of free speech and the demonization of a sitting president without any pushback. Clinton is interested in control—of the narrative, of the media, and ultimately, of the minds of every American.

Let’s not forget, Clinton also took the opportunity to resurrect the debunked 2016 Russia collusion narrative, a shameless attempt to keep the lie alive that Trump is somehow a puppet of foreign powers.

And if that wasn’t enough, she called for criminal charges against Americans spreading what she dismissively labels as “propaganda.” Translation: Clinton wants to jail anyone who dares to think differently, anyone who doesn’t bow to the leftist agenda. This is her endgame—to criminalize dissent and pave the way for a totalitarian regime where only approved thoughts are allowed.

Here’s the kicker: all this is happening while gold prices skyrocket past $2,500 per ounce. Why is that important? Because it’s a clear sign that the elites are hedging their bets, scrambling to protect their assets as the house of cards they’ve built begins to crumble. They know what’s coming: the greatest wealth transfer in history.

The elites have hoarded power and money for decades, but the tide is turning. Trump’s presidency was the catalyst, and now the masses are awakening to the reality that they’ve been lied to, manipulated, and robbed blind. Clinton, Maddow, and their ilk are the last desperate gasps of a dying empire.

And let’s talk about the Secret Service response—or the lack thereof. Why haven’t they confirmed the source of the gunfire? It’s not out of the question to think that certain elements within the government are in on it. We’ve seen rogue actors in the FBI and DOJ before.

Who’s to say there aren’t traitors within the Secret Service who are part of this plot to take down Trump from within? The deep state is a reality. And this latest incident is just another chapter in their ongoing war against the man they cannot control.

So, let’s get one thing straight: Trump isn’t the danger. He’s the target. The danger comes from those who are pulling the strings, the shadowy figures who hide behind media moguls and corrupt politicians like Clinton.

They’re terrified because Trump represents something they can’t fathom—an unshakable force of resistance against their carefully crafted globalist agenda. They’ve tried everything—impeachment, investigations, slander, and now, assassination attempts. But Trump is still standing, and so are the millions who support him.

We’re at a tipping point. The attempts to silence Trump are not just about him—they’re about crushing the spirit of American freedom. Clinton and her allies are throwing everything they have at this, but the truth is too powerful to contain. The elites can keep firing their shots, but every bullet they miss only strengthens the resolve of those who see through their lies.

The message is clear: stay vigilant, stay informed, and stay ready. The assault on Trump is an assault on all of us, but the tide is turning. The truth cannot be suppressed forever, and the reckoning for the corrupt is coming.

Clinton, Maddow, and the rest of the cabal may think they have the upper hand, but they’re playing a losing game.

The greatest wealth transfer in history is on the horizon, and it’s going to take the power out of the hands of the elites and put it back where it belongs—with the people. And no amount of lies, bullets, or media spin can stop that.

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Ethan White
Ethan White
A fearless truth-seeker and writer, as he uncovers untold stories with his sharp insights and unwavering dedication to journalistic integrity. Embark on a journey of enlightenment with Ethan's thought-provoking articles today.

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