Zelensky isn’t leading a country. He’s managing a war theater — a live, orchestrated operation run by the global elites, military industrial cartels, and intelligence syndicates that thrive on human suffering. His latest outburst in Helsinki wasn’t a diplomatic statement — it was a coded transmission to his handlers: “Keep the fire burning. Keep the funds flowing. I’m doing my part.”
He demanded Russia give back every inch of territory gained since 2014 — Crimea included. Not because he believes it’s possible, but because that demand guarantees war will never end. It guarantees endless contracts, unlimited laundering pipelines, and a permanent distraction for the collapsing Western order. This isn’t about borders — it’s about a system of control that feeds off war like a parasite feeds on blood.
Zelensky is not acting on behalf of Ukraine. He’s fulfilling a script written long ago by the same cabal that orchestrated the 2014 Maidan coup — a CIA-backed regime change that tore Ukraine from its sovereignty and handed it over to NATO intelligence operations, Rothschild banking networks, and clandestine Western corporations. That’s when the real war began — not with Russia, but with reality.
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The 2014 seizure of Crimea wasn’t aggression — it was retaliation. Russia didn’t “invade.” They reclaimed what had always been theirs before the globalist machine rewrote history and redrew maps for profit. The truth is, Crimea and the Donbass have always belonged to Russian-speaking people — and Putin simply protected them from the scorched earth strategy NATO was about to unleash.
Zelensky knows this. He’s not deluded — he’s obedient. His job is to keep Ukraine in flames while the global elites funnel billions into ghost operations, rigged reconstruction contracts, human trafficking corridors masked as “refugee support,” and advanced bioweapons development under NATO’s cover.
Two months ago, the Trump White House saw through it all. They knew Zelensky was never going to accept peace. Because peace destroys the money trails. Peace halts the weapons shipments. Peace ends the theatrical justification for NATO’s illegal presence near Russia’s borders. Peace exposes the entire architecture of deception that has been engineered by intelligence think tanks and shadow state contractors from Brussels to Langley.
Trump understood this. That’s why they hate him. That’s why they sabotaged every attempt he made to end the bloodshed. Because when Trump pushes for ceasefires, the money stops flowing. And when the money stops flowing, the cabal begins to panic.
Zelensky’s refusal to accept a ceasefire — and his immediate demand for more American taxpayer money — is not a coincidence. It’s a move straight from the playbook. Every time a diplomatic solution arises, he sabotages it, then runs to the microphone begging for more billions. It’s not aid. It’s extortion, with Washington under blackmail by foreign intelligence strings no one wants to admit exist.
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The so-called “30-day ceasefire deal” wasn’t just about ending combat. It was the first real threat to the hidden global network profiting off this war. That’s why it had to be destroyed. That’s why Zelensky is now re-trading it — not to negotiate, but to leverage it for another injection of cash. Because the war isn’t fought on the battlefield anymore — it’s fought in spreadsheets, bank transfers, and secretive intelligence briefings behind closed doors.
Let’s be brutally honest: Zelensky is not a president — he’s a Western asset in military costume. His war isn’t against Russia — it’s against any global awakening. It’s against truth. It’s against sovereignty. It’s against any effort to dismantle the Deep State architecture built into the very foundations of the Ukrainian regime since 2014.
Why do you think this war has dragged on for years with no real objective? Why is no one even attempting real negotiations? Because the longer it goes, the more wealth is siphoned through “aid” packages that never reach the people, the more military contractors fatten their accounts, and the more excuses the cabal has to implement draconian policies under the guise of “defending democracy.”
There is no democracy in Ukraine — it was hijacked long ago. And Zelensky is just the latest actor playing the savior, while his nation is sacrificed for a plan far darker than anyone dares admit.
And don’t overlook the symbolism. The green army shirts, the dramatic speeches, the staged images with “war room” aesthetics — this is psychological warfare. Propaganda not for Ukraine, but for the West. The objective? To keep Americans compliant, distracted, and emotionally invested in a war that is designed to implode their own economy.
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While your shelves go empty and your cities rot from the inside out, Zelensky flies around demanding more of your tax money. He knows Biden’s puppet administration will send it. He knows the military-industrial complex has no bottom line. He knows there’s always another tranche, another shipment, another reason to delay peace.
And where’s the oversight? Where’s the audit? There is none — because it’s never been about “helping Ukraine.” It’s about sustaining a system where war is a product, and Zelensky is just the brand ambassador.
But Trump isn’t playing their game. He’s watching. He’s waiting. And his allies are not blind. They know exactly who Zelensky serves — and it’s not his people.
Catturd was right — no peace in Ukraine until Zelensky is gone. Not because he’s incompetent — but because he’s part of the machinery. The day Zelensky is removed is the day the war economy begins to collapse. And that’s what terrifies the Deep State the most.
They don’t want peace. They want perpetual chaos. They want the blood to keep flowing — because behind every explosion, behind every missile, behind every trench, is a dollar sign.
Zelensky isn’t a wartime leader. He’s the frontman of the most dangerous financial laundering operation in modern history. And until he’s gone, no one is safe — not Ukraine, not Europe, and certainly not America.
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