Saturday, October 12, 2024

Elon Musk Joins Trump in Butler—Secret Meetings, Military Alliances, and Dark MAGA Plans for EBS Integration: Musk Rallies Patriots to Prepare for the 10 Days of Darkness!

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Trump’s return to Butler, Pennsylvania, is a scene straight from the battlefront of a war against the global elites. This isn’t just a campaign rally—it’s an act of defiance, a literal middle finger to the hidden forces that have tried to control, suppress, and eliminate him.

The truth is brutal, and it’s time to face it. We are no longer witnessing a political race. We are in the midst of a silent but very real war—a war where the stakes are the future of freedom itself.

The assassination attempt on July 13th was no accident, and let’s be clear, this wasn’t just one rogue shooter. Thomas Matthew Crooks didn’t act alone; this was coordinated, orchestrated, with invisible hands guiding him to pull the trigger. This was a deliberate, cold-blooded attempt by the Deep State to silence Trump, a man they see as the only obstacle to their globalist agenda.

Corey Comperatore, the fallen hero, was simply collateral damage in their ruthless quest for control. His sacrifice is a glaring reminder that no one is safe when it comes to these elites—they will kill anyone who stands in their way. And still, Trump came back. That’s courage they can’t break, no matter how many threats they send his way.

Enter Elon Musk. A tech mogul who knows more than he’s letting on. His presence on that stage was a message to those behind the scenes: the elites have lost their grip. Musk doesn’t just stand for tech advancement; he stands for freedom, a freedom that the establishment has tried so desperately to suppress.

His wearing that black-on-black MAGA hat wasn’t just about endorsing Trump—it was a symbolic declaration of war against the dark forces within the government. And yes, that includes agencies like the FBI and CIA, whose agents have been caught time and again serving interests that have nothing to do with the people of America.

But the timing of Musk’s arrival was also strategic. Only a few days before this rally, Musk was reportedly seen in closed-door meetings with key figures in the Department of Defense—meetings that were not on any official schedule, shrouded in secrecy. These weren’t your typical government briefings.

These discussions were about counteracting another imminent assassination attempt on Trump, and that Musk is now actively working with a faction within the military, the true patriots, to take down the Deep State. The military is fed up with the lies, fed up with being used as pawns in the globalists’ game, and they are ready to take action.

Musk’s call to action—telling people to “Fight, fight, fight, vote, vote, vote”—wasn’t just about electing a president. It was a coded message to the masses, an alert to prepare for what’s coming. We’ve all heard about the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) and the “Ten Days of Darkness.”

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Sources inside Musk’s own tech empire are working on integrating systems with the EBS to ensure that when the blackout come, people will still be able to access vital information. Musk’s sudden and public alignment with Trump is part of a larger, covert operation to ready the country for that day, when everything goes dark and the Deep State tries their last-ditch effort to plunge America into chaos.

This rally was more than a campaign event; it was a warning to the globalists. Trump didn’t just mention Corey Comperatore to honor his memory; he brought it up as a stark reminder of the consequences of challenging their narrative. The moment of silence wasn’t just to mourn—it was a signal to everyone watching that the sacrifices made so far have not been in vain and that the fight isn’t over. Not even close.

And let’s talk about that July shooting for a second. The mainstream media barely covered it, and the bits they did talk about were filled with lies and distortions. But the truth? The truth is that intelligence intercepts from patriots within the Secret Service caught wind of an intricate plot just days before the rally. They knew something was coming, and yet, due to “logistical issues,” they failed to prevent it. Or maybe they didn’t fail—maybe they let it happen.

Because let’s be real, there are moles, there are double agents in every layer of our government, and they were in on this. The FBI, parts of the Secret Service—don’t think for a second that these institutions are working for us. No, they are infiltrated by actors loyal to the globalists, actors who were more than willing to see Trump taken down.

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Musk’s black MAGA hat—a bold statement of “Dark MAGA”—is a nod to those who know that the time for playing nice is over. Dark MAGA is about unapologetically taking back what’s ours, about refusing to play by the rules that have been set by the very people who want us on our knees.

Musk, with his resources and influence, has become a key ally in this fight. His post, “Make America Based Again,” is a call to arms against those who would turn us into obedient sheep.

And what about the future? Trump and Musk have bigger plans than just winning an election. There’s talk now—whispers from high-ranking military insiders—that Musk is positioning himself to lead a new federal initiative aimed at dismantling the bureaucratic bloat that’s been entrenched for decades.

This is about tearing down entire agencies that have been used to monitor, control, and manipulate. We’re talking about a complete purge of the FBI, the dismantling of certain parts of Homeland Security that have been weaponized against American citizens, and possibly even taking the CIA out of domestic operations altogether.

This rally in Butler was a statement, plain and simple. Trump and Musk aren’t just talking about reforms—they’re preparing for a takedown of the entire system that has oppressed the American people for far too long. JD Vance knew exactly what he was saying when he talked about turning defeats into victories.

Butler, the very site of an attempted assassination, is now ground zero for the resistance. The elites wanted to send a message by targeting Trump there, but all they did was strengthen the resolve of those who refuse to be silenced.

And don’t be fooled by the Secret Service’s reassurances about increased security measures. They’re scrambling because they know they dropped the ball. But even more than that, they know there’s another attempt in the works. Sources close to the campaign have hinted at intercepted communications that point to a new plot, a more sophisticated one, backed by actors not just in the U.S., but internationally.

There are powerful people overseas—think European technocrats, think shadowy financial institutions—who want Trump gone. And Musk knows this. That’s why he’s all in, that’s why he’s meeting behind closed doors, that’s why he’s putting his empire at risk. Because if they win, if the globalists succeed, free speech is gone, the Second Amendment is gone, and America as we know it is gone.

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Trump, Musk, Vance—they are the face of the rebellion, the resistance against a corrupt system that no longer serves the people. They’re not just looking to win an election; they’re preparing to dismantle a global network of corruption, to expose the lies and the crimes that have been committed in the name of power and profit.

This is about taking down a global elite that has operated in the shadows for far too long.

Butler, Pennsylvania, is just the beginning. The battle lines have been drawn, and the elites are running scared. They know their time is up. The patriots are rising, and the truth is coming out, no matter how hard they try to stop it.

Trump survived their attempt to take him out, and now, with Musk at his side and a growing army of supporters, he’s coming for them.

This is a fight for freedom, for truth, and for the future of humanity. The message is clear: We will not back down. We will not be silenced. And we will win.


  1. Which Constitution are they talking about? There are three Constitutions, the Constitution for the united States of America, the Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution of the United States. We haven’t had an American President since before Lincoln who was President of a corporation, the United States of America, Inc., which he bankrupted. The actual government of, for and by the people has no bankruptcy protection.


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Ethan White
Ethan White
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