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Deep Stater and Trump hater Jack Smith was executed at Guantanamo Bay on Friday after being convicted of treason at a military tribunal on November 4.
As reported previously, White Hats arrested Smith in July when Judge Aileen Canon discharged the bogus federal charges the Department of Injustice had leveled against Trump. An obstinate Smith was put in shackles and eventually flown to GITMO, where he, unsurprisingly, resisted JAG’s efforts to interrogate him. He would only invoke the familiar Deep State mantra of “I was just following orders” and “I was doing my job,” holding himself blameless for any hardships Trump faced from the investigation. In solitude, imprisoned in a six-by-nine-foot cell, Smith would often blame his predicament on Trump, either whispering or wailing Trump’s name in rambling, invective-laced screeds. Smith, a JAG source told Real Raw News, had the most acute case of Trump Derangement Syndrome he had ever seen.

In September Smith learned that JAG had upgraded his charges to high treason and would seek the death penalty, and the news sent Smith spiraling into rageful fits that went unabated until he was gagged and bound and escorted from his cell to GITMO’s south courtroom the morning of November 4. He appeared pro se, having declared his JAG-appointed counsel incompetent.
As is typical for prominent trials, Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall presided over the case, having empaneled three USMC officers to judge the veracity of Smith’s defense. Except Smith had no defense. Each time the guards flanking him removed his gag, the so-called accomplished litigator called Adm. Crandall a “hack” and the tribunal a “kangaroo court” whose sole purpose was to “preserve Trump’s tyranny.”
Smith seemed unwilling or unable to disprove the admiral’s argument that Smith and Biden’s DOJ had conjured charges against Trump with the aim of stopping him from becoming the 47th President of the United States—a mission that failed miserably. Admiral Crandall presented evidence showing that Smith had received from the DOJ a $4.2 million stipend and $86,000/day per diem during the time he investigated President Trump. He also produced documents, obtained from Smith’s digital devices, proving Smith had a personal vendetta against Trump.
“When it comes to Trump, his business, and his family, guilt or innocence is irrelevant. Trump is a paramount threat to democracy and to the country, and I am thankful Joseph Biden and Merick Garland placed trust in me to handle the Trump situation. I alone am qualified to deal with Trump. When I’m done with him, he’ll wish he was never born,” Smith wrote in what Admiral Crandall told the panel was Smith’s dark digital diary of wishful thinking.
Admiral Crandall told Smith: “Detainee Smith, I’m normally not fond of vulgarity, but to put it simply, you screwed up; you played yourself. And, finally, you must answer for your crimes.”
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The panel deliberated for only five seconds before pronouncing Smith guilty and affirming that he should hang for betraying the Constitution and the nation. Although Admiral Crandall had scheduled him to hang the following day, the execution was delayed due to inclement weather and Smith feigning “medical emergencies” like heat attacks, strokes, and kidney stones.
On Friday morning, though, Smith was told his time had come and received other news that enraged him: A guard informed him that Donald J. Trump had crushed Kamala Harris in the general election, winning both the electoral and popular vote. He at first accused the guards of lying, but, when shown news clippings of the outcomes, erupted in unbridled fury, falling to his knees and screaming at the top his lungs, “No, this can’t be true. Trump cheated. It isn’t true, it can’t be true.”
Two hours later he was standing before Admiral Crandall and the gallows looming behind him. An armed Marine led Smith to the platform, where a Navy chaplain offered him Last Rites.
“What’s the point,” Smith said. “If Trump is president, there is no God. Get out of my sight.”
“God saved Trump’s life for a reason,” the chaplain said, inferencing the assassination attempts on his life, “and while He can’t save your corporeal self, He can save your soul if you repent.”
“Fuck off,” Smith told him.
Admiral Crandall told Smith the Deep State’s warfare and lawfare against Trump was at an end and that all like him would eventually face tribunals. He even said to Smith that the Deep State was retiring his body double and abandoning its indictment of Trump.
“You’ve lost, detainee Smith,” the admiral said. “You were destined to lose.”
Smith’s neck snapped five minutes later, his notorious career as a Deep State agent ending in grisly but justifiable fate.
As an aside, I wish a good Veteran’s Day to all veterans and activity-duty, without whom the war against the Deep State would not be possible. God Bless you all.