Friday, October 25, 2024

CIA Whistleblower Confirms Rigging Plans: Vote Rigging Machines Uncovered, White Hats Fighting to Expose Massive Fraud as Deep State’s Plan to RIG 2024 Election is Exposed!

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The truth is out, and it’s explosive: the 2024 election is rigged before your very eyes. A CIA insider has confirmed what every true patriot has suspected for years: U.S. Presidents are selected by global elites, not elected by the people.

The Deep State’s shadowy grip over America is stronger than ever, and they’re pulling every string, pulling out every dirty trick to install their chosen puppets. But this time, there’s a new factor they didn’t count on—the rise of the White Hats, who are actively dismantling their rigging operations behind the scenes, all while Donald J. Trump prepares his triumphant return.

Your Vote Has Been a Lie – The Selection Process Exposed

The American people have been duped for decades. The idea that voting determines the outcome of elections is a lie. The elites have perfected their selection process, deciding who becomes president long before the first vote is cast. And guess what? The 2024 election is set to be their most blatant operation yet. They’re desperate to keep power, and they’ll stop at nothing to make sure their puppet sits in the Oval Office.

But here’s the twist: there’s a war going on that you don’t see. It’s happening behind closed doors, in secure rooms, and on encrypted servers. White Hats within the military and intelligence agencies are working tirelessly to expose the Deep State’s plans. Their mission? To dismantle the fraud before it takes America beyond the point of no return.

They know that if Trump doesn’t reclaim his rightful place, the elites will accelerate their plans to destroy the freedoms Americans cherish.

Kamala Harris: The CIA’s Ultimate Trojan Horse

Kamala Harris is a fraud. Her entire life, her public image, her sudden rise to power—it was all carefully crafted by the CIA to ensure the elites had a compliant puppet waiting in the wings. The CIA insider has exposed that Harris wasn’t just another political figure; she was built from the ground up to serve the Deep State’s agenda.

The media has sold her as the “people’s choice,” but nothing could be further from the truth. The American public has been fed a lie—Kamala Harris isn’t who she says she is.

Her background was fabricated, and her political career fast-tracked to ensure she would be in position when the Deep State needed her.

The elites don’t care about qualifications or experience; they care about control. And Harris, through and through, is their puppet—ready to continue their globalist agenda the moment Biden is no longer useful.

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Obama’s Deeper Role in the Rigged System – White Hats Have the Receipts

The deeper we dig, the darker the truth becomes. The White Hats have gathered irrefutable evidence of Barack Obama’s full integration into the globalist Deep State agenda. His presidency wasn’t just a convenient accident—it was a deliberate placement by the elites to further weaken America’s sovereignty and slowly dismantle our constitutional rights.

Every speech, every policy, every decision—crafted not for the benefit of Americans but for the interests of global elites.

White Hats have uncovered evidence that Obama was part of clandestine operations to fund corrupt media outlets, ensuring that only narratives favorable to the Deep State reached the public. He allowed foreign money to influence U.S. elections, compromised national security, and set the stage for future rigging operations.

His connections to elite financial players and foreign governments have been uncovered, and the White Hats are preparing to make it public. This is bigger than Watergate—Obama’s real role in the dismantling of American power is about to be revealed.

2024: The Most Corrupt, Rigged Election in History

The 2020 election was bad, but the 2024 election is shaping up to be a full-blown catastrophe. According to sources deep inside military intelligence, the Deep State has activated its entire machine to ensure Trump is blocked from taking office again. They can’t afford another Trump presidency, and they know it.

This is why their tactics have escalated. We’re talking about complete manipulation—voting machines rigged to flip votes, ballot boxes stuffed with fraudulent votes, and voter rolls filled with dead people and fabricated identities. The Deep State is prepared to use every possible method to control the outcome.

But this time, the White Hats are ready. They’ve intercepted communications between Deep State operatives revealing plans to deploy rigged voting machines in key swing states like Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Michigan.

These machines have been designed to shift votes away from Trump, ensuring that the Deep State’s chosen candidates win.

In some locations, White Hats have already disabled these machines, but the fight is far from over.

Even more shocking, White Hats have uncovered paid operatives planted in polling stations. These people aren’t ordinary volunteers—they’re Deep State agents with a mission to manipulate voters and tamper with ballots.

They’ve been caught telling voters how to vote, intimidating them, and even altering votes after they’ve been cast. This is organized election fraud on a national scale, and it’s happening right under our noses.

Machines Found in Secret Locations, Designed to Rig the Vote

It gets worse. White Hat teams have found entire warehouses filled with voting machines that were pre-programmed to rig the election. These machines, smuggled into swing states in the dead of night, are linked to foreign servers—servers controlled by globalist interests determined to stop Trump from reclaiming the presidency.

The machines are set up to switch votes from Trump to the Deep State’s puppet candidates. Once they’ve flipped enough votes, they can remotely wipe the evidence, making it look like the election was fair and free.

These machines were uncovered thanks to brave patriots within the military, who risked everything to reveal the truth.

They are currently working to neutralize this threat, but the Deep State is relentless, and more machines are being transported as we speak. We’re witnessing a full-scale attack on democracy, and it’s happening in real time.

The Real War: Trump vs. the Globalists

The 2024 election isn’t just about political power—it’s a war for the soul of the nation. And Donald J. Trump is the only one standing in the way of the globalists’ complete takeover. The Deep State knows that Trump cannot be bought, cannot be controlled, and will never bow to their agenda.

That’s why they’ve been desperate to stop him since 2016. They rigged the 2020 election to keep him out, but they didn’t break him. Now, in 2024, they’re pulling out all the stops to prevent him from returning to power, because they know if Trump gets back in, it’s game over for them.

Trump is more than just a president—he’s the last line of defense against the globalist agenda. He’s already exposed the corruption within the Deep State, and they know that another four years of Trump will lead to their downfall.

The media attacks, the sham indictments, the constant barrage of lies—it’s all because they fear him. Trump is the only person standing in the way of their complete control, and they’ll do anything to take him down.

But this time, they’ve underestimated the power of the American people. Patriots are awake, they’re watching, and they’re ready to take back this country.

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White Hats Are Fighting for America’s Future

The war is being fought on two fronts—the Deep State’s rigged election operations, and the White Hats working tirelessly to expose and destroy them. This isn’t a game. This is a battle for the future of America. The Deep State is on the verge of losing control, and they know it. The White Hats have already sabotaged key elements of their plan, and more evidence is being gathered every day.

The Deep State can try to rig the machines, manipulate the votes, and deploy their operatives, but the White Hats are always one step ahead. They’re preparing to release devastating information about how this election was set up from the very beginning to block Trump. The only way the Deep State can win is through lies and deception, but the truth is about to come crashing down on them.

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The Awakening Is Here—Patriots, Stand Tall

This is it. The tipping point. The 2024 election isn’t just another cycle—it’s the final battle between good and evil. The Deep State’s lies are unraveling, and the American people are waking up. Trump’s base is stronger than ever, united by a single goal: to take back the country from the corrupt elites who have stolen it.

The White Hats are fighting for you, but they need patriots across the nation to stand tall. This is our moment. The Deep State may have rigged 2024, but they can’t stop what’s coming. The truth is on our side. Victory is within reach, but only if we remain vigilant and ready for the fight ahead.

Trump is the last hope for America’s freedom, and together, we will win. The globalists’ time is up. Patriots, rise and reclaim what is rightfully ours!

Urgent Update: 700,000+ Sealed Indictments Activated, Military Tribunals Begin, and EBS Set to Broadcast Live Mass Arrests and Executions—The Cabal’s Final Days Are Here!


  1. there is nothing special about Trumps salt ,, it was about safety , not to be switched , larger size than all the others,, you should know that


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Ethan White
Ethan White
A fearless truth-seeker and writer, as he uncovers untold stories with his sharp insights and unwavering dedication to journalistic integrity. Embark on a journey of enlightenment with Ethan's thought-provoking articles today.

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