Saturday, October 12, 2024

BREAKING! Whistleblowers Confirm Kamala Harris’ Fake Aid Scheme During Hurricane Helene: False Hope Deployed to Distract from FEMA’s Missing Funds and the Globalist Plot to Collapse America!

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The rabbit hole goes even deeper than anyone could have imagined. New details have emerged about Kamala Harris’ despicable photo-op stunt involving the North Carolina National Guard during the Hurricane Helene disaster, revealing a far more sinister plot at play.

These aren’t just isolated actions; they are part of a coordinated, high-level scheme designed to weaken America from within, orchestrated by Harris and the shadowy globalist elites who are pulling her strings.

October 2024 has brought forward even more chilling details about this dark web of deception. Sources inside the National Guard have leaked more information, confirming that Kamala Harris’ actions during the Hurricane Helene relief operation were far worse than initially reported.

It wasn’t just about a photo-op—this was a deliberate psyop meant to test the waters for larger future manipulations, aimed at creating chaos and dependency among the American people. This test run of a fake aid operation was the first step in what insiders are now calling “Operation Smokescreen.”

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The Military’s Role in the Scheme

Several whistleblowers from within the military are now coming forward with new, explosive allegations. According to these sources, the fake loading of supplies onto the C-17 cargo plane was not just a publicity stunt but part of a covert operation orchestrated by Kamala Harris, working alongside key elements within the deep state.

These insiders confirm that the National Guard was under direct orders not to question the fake aid mission. Harris’ camp ensured that anyone who even thought about leaking information would be silenced through threats of dishonorable discharge and criminal charges under bogus “national security” claims.

But the real bombshell? These whistleblowers have revealed that Harris wasn’t acting alone. She was allegedly working with foreign interests, particularly from China and globalist financial elites, to create controlled chaos within the United States.

Harris’ actions were coordinated with these globalists to further destabilize America’s infrastructure, weaken its people, and create a situation where the global financial reset they’ve been planning can be implemented without resistance.

The global elites, operating behind the scenes, see disasters as their perfect opportunity to push their dark agenda forward. Natural catastrophes like Hurricane Helene allow them to test their systems of control—everything from controlling the flow of resources to manipulating public perception through media outlets.

FEMA, with its massive budget and opaque operations, has become a tool of the deep state in this larger conspiracy, funneling money not to disaster victims but to globalist partners who are preparing to initiate their Great Reset.

FEMA and the Missing Funds: A Bigger Cover-Up

The further you dig, the uglier it gets. FEMA, the agency responsible for helping Americans in times of crisis, is now exposed as a puppet of the globalists, complicit in this treachery. Billions of dollars have disappeared from FEMA’s books, and whistleblowers have now traced some of this missing money to offshore accounts controlled by globalist financiers. What does this mean?

The funds that should have been going to the victims of Hurricane Helene have been diverted to finance the global elite’s takeover plan, all with Kamala Harris’ stamp of approval.

As part of this grander plot, FEMA has quietly redirected resources not to rebuild American communities but to lay the groundwork for elitist control zones, where wealthy globalists are buying up land, fencing off disaster-affected areas, and turning them into no-go zones for average citizens.

These “recovery zones” are being established under the guise of long-term planning but are, in reality, footholds for future authoritarian control. The victims of Hurricane Helene aren’t just being neglected—they are being displaced as part of a bigger plan to reallocate land and resources to the ruling class.

The Role of AI and Surveillance: They’re Watching Us

And the plot doesn’t stop at financial manipulation. New reports from insiders reveal that the Harris-Biden administration has been quietly working with AI surveillance companies—some of which are backed by globalist investors—to track and monitor the movements of Americans during and after disasters.

These companies have been given unrestricted access to FEMA’s databases, using so-called “relief efforts” as an excuse to build a massive surveillance apparatus that will be used to control the population when the elites make their next move.

During the Hurricane Helene, Harris’ team was reportedly running pilot tests of advanced surveillance systems, gathering data on how people respond to fake relief efforts, who questions the narrative, and who simply complies.

The results of these tests will feed into the elites’ future plans for total population control, where dissenters can be swiftly dealt with and the rest of the population kept in line through fear, dependency, and misinformation.

Geoengineering is also rumored to be part of the mix, with the elite using weather manipulation technologies to create more disasters, further testing their ability to control populations through fear and chaos.

What’s Next? Military Takeover or Martial Law?

With these new revelations, it’s clear that what happened in North Carolina during Hurricane Helene was just the beginning. The elites, through Kamala Harris and her allies, are setting the stage for future disasters, whether natural or man-made, where they can further consolidate their power.

Harris, with the help of certain rogue elements within the military, is preparing for a soft martial law rollout. Under the pretext of future “disasters,” FEMA and military units loyal to the deep state will slowly begin taking control of key infrastructure, rationing resources, and creating lockdown zones where the population is kept under tight control.

But don’t think this is all happening behind the scenes anymore. It’s happening in plain sight, right in front of us, and they are daring us to question it.

UNBELIEVABLE! Government Helicopters Destroy Hurricane Helene Aid Supplies! Black SUVs Wipe Out Relief—Civilians Terrified to Seek Help!

The mainstream media won’t cover it. In fact, they are part of the machine that’s pushing this globalist agenda, feeding us lies about climate change and natural disasters while the real game is being played out in secret meetings, global summits, and offshore banking networks.

The ultimate goal? Complete control over the American population. Through a series of carefully staged disasters, Kamala Harris and her globalist partners plan to collapse the economy, usher in a digital currency, and introduce social credit systems that will determine who gets access to resources and who doesn’t.

The Hurricane Helene operation was just a trial run for this new world order they are building—right here, right now.

Kamala Harris may be the face of this deception, but the real power lies in the hands of the elites who are using her as a pawn in their grander scheme.

We cannot afford to sit idly by while they manipulate and betray us.

The time to wake up is now because what’s coming next will make the Hurricane Helene debacle look like child’s play.


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Ethan White
Ethan White
A fearless truth-seeker and writer, as he uncovers untold stories with his sharp insights and unwavering dedication to journalistic integrity. Embark on a journey of enlightenment with Ethan's thought-provoking articles today.

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