Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Breaking News! Global EBS Alert Set to Activate—Prepare Your Phones for Earth Alliance, Mass Arrests, and Military Tribunals on October 24-25!

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The stage is set, and there’s no turning back. The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) alert is imminent, and if you haven’t started preparing, now is your final warning. As we edge closer to October 24 and 25, the Earth Alliance, in conjunction with Starlink and other military satellites, is finalizing the intricate global operation that will unleash the EBS worldwide.

This is happening now, and all the signals are pointing to a complete information shutdown across the globe. The preparation phases are already in full swing, and if you think this is just another false alarm, you’re gravely mistaken. More Info on gazetteller.com

Let’s dive into how this alert will work and why it’s crucial that you’re prepared for it. On October 24 and 25, every cell phone on the planet will be hit with a loud, unmistakable alert signal. This won’t be the soft ping of your regular notifications—this will be an intense, ear-piercing sound that will wake you up, whether you like it or not.

The signal will be transmitted directly from Starlink satellites, bypassing traditional media channels that are controlled by the elites. This means you won’t need to rely on your local news or social media for updates. The truth is coming directly to your phone, and there’s no way for the globalists to censor it.

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The Technology Behind the EBS

The Earth Alliance has been preparing for this for years, quietly building a network of satellites and secure communication lines that will make this operation possible. Starlink, Elon Musk’s satellite network, has been commandeered for this very purpose. Despite the cover stories about providing global internet, the real mission of Starlink has always been tied to the Alliance’s plan to overthrow the Deep State. More Info on gazetteller.com

Musk’s recent alignment with Trump and his public endorsements were not mere coincidences—this was part of a larger plan. Starlink is not just about internet access—it’s about ensuring that when the time comes, the entire world will receive the EBS signal without interference from the globalist-controlled media.

The EBS alert will be initiated globally but will be activated in phases. Depending on where you are, you may receive the alert slightly earlier or later than others, but make no mistake—it is coming.

The goal of the phased rollout is to prevent the Deep State from reacting too quickly and to catch them off-guard. By the time the full alert has hit every device on the planet, the Earth Alliance will already be executing the next stages of their plan.

What Happens After You Receive the Alert

Once the EBS hits your phone, the next phase will begin. The signal will be followed by a broadcast—an unfiltered message from the Earth Alliance, led by Trump and key military leaders.

This broadcast will bypass the corrupt media, delivering real-time updates about the takedown of the Deep State, the mass arrests, and the collapse of the corrupt financial system. These broadcasts will come in waves, each one revealing more of the truth that has been hidden from us for decades. More Info on gazetteller.com

Prepare yourself for revelations that will shake the very foundation of what you thought was reality. We will finally learn the extent of the crimes committed by the elites—everything from human trafficking networks to the manipulation of global wars and natural disasters.

The broadcast will expose how FEMA, the FBI, and other government agencies have been weaponized against the people, carrying out false flags and deliberate disasters to maintain control.

This will not be a brief transmission. The EBS broadcast will last for several days—possibly up to 10, depending on the situation on the ground. During this time, there will be no internet access, no social media, no TV, and no mainstream news.

The only source of information will be the EBS, which will provide continuous updates about the arrests, military movements, and the financial reset. You must be prepared for this blackout. Stock up on food, water, and essential supplies. Have backup power sources ready. You won’t be able to go to the store or access online services during this time.

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The Military’s Role

As the EBS alert rolls out, the military will be mobilizing across the globe. The Earth Alliance, made up of white hat military forces from various nations, has been coordinating this operation for years. In the U.S., militias and other patriot groups have already been activated, and they are ready to confront any Deep State operatives who attempt to disrupt the plan. More Info on gazetteller.com

The military will be tasked with maintaining order, but make no mistake—there will be resistance from the elites. False flags will be launched to create chaos and confusion. The globalists know their time is up, and they will do everything in their power to stop the Alliance. But their efforts will fail.

During this period, martial law is highly likely. Military tribunals will be broadcast through the EBS, and you will witness the fall of the corrupt politicians, bankers, and corporate elites who have been part of this evil system. You will see arrests, confessions, and the dismantling of the globalist networks that have enslaved us for so long.

The Deep State’s financial institutions will crumble, and the Quantum Financial System (QFS) will officially take over, marking the beginning of the greatest wealth transfer in human history. The elite-controlled banks, stock markets, and fiat currencies will be obliterated, replaced by a fair and transparent financial system that serves the people, not the elites.

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New Developments: Secret Military Bases and Underground Facilities

Here’s where things get even more intense. New intelligence reveals that part of the EBS alert preparation includes targeting and neutralizing underground military bases and secret facilities used by the elites. More Info on gazetteller.com

These underground cities, built by the Deep State to shield themselves from the chaos they’ve created, are now being identified and destroyed. The Earth Alliance has located several of these bunkers, including one beneath Denver International Airport and another in the Swiss Alps, where top globalists have been hiding.

The EBS will not just be a signal for the public—it will be a signal for the final phase of the military takedown of these hidden strongholds. The elites think they can escape underground, but they’re wrong.

Special forces teams are already on the ground, and once the EBS is activated, they will move in to eliminate these safe havens. This is war on a scale we’ve never seen before, and it’s happening in real-time. Once these underground facilities are neutralized, the elites will have nowhere left to hide.

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Final Words of Preparation

We are days away from the most significant event in human history. The EBS alert is not just an emergency broadcast—it is the key to unlocking the chains that have bound humanity for centuries. More Info on gazetteller.com

The Earth Alliance, Starlink, and the military are all in place, ready to execute the final phase of this plan. The old world is crumbling, and a new era of freedom is about to begin.

But with freedom comes responsibility. You must be ready—physically, mentally, and spiritually—for the challenges ahead.

Once the EBS sounds, there will be no going back. The corrupt system will be dismantled piece by piece, and the truth will finally be revealed.

Stay strong, stay alert, and trust in the plan. The time for talking is over. Now, it’s time to act.

BOMBSHELL! Starlink and Trump Are About to Unleash the EBS – 8-Hour Broadcast Incoming, Followed by 10 Days of Darkness – The Global Elite’s Secrets Will Be Exposed!


  1. Io mi aggiungo al coro di coloro che credono e gioiscono. Io ho archiviato già da tempo dentro di me questo tipo di mondo non più proseguibile. Basta basta basta. È ora di farla finita. WWG1WGA NCSWIC. Namasté fratelli ❤️

  2. I wonder what will happen when they declare martial law and people that work in jails have to go to work. I am an essential employee will I be sent home for 10 days and does the military understand that people have to work? Will there be special provisions made for this?

  3. Not a bad video. Though I have been awake way before 2020. Actually all the way back to the early 70’s. The evidence and math is out there. Just do your own math with an open mind.


  5. Wow! I had an EBS test hit my phone after a Trump rally last weekend, with the EXACT force described in this article …. remember Marty McFly being blown back by the speaker when he struck a guitar string at the beginning of Back to the Future II …. that kind of power. Blows my mind!

  6. If you haven’t learned by now, than I don’t think you ever will? There’s no EBS, TRUMP or anything coming to save us. WERE FUCKED!!

  7. I have been looking forward to this moment of extreme urgency and need for a long time! Enough of so much suffering… fear and lack of respect for each being in this hostile world.
    May the true forces of Light always be with each of these courageous Warriors, who have a great mission: to free us from the “clutches” of these beings of darkness, who believe they own the world… Long live Freedom! Victory is ours! The new earth is being built! We are the builders of the new Golden Age! Gratitude to all who participate and help in this process! Peace, Justice, Freedom and Love! to all!!!

  8. Sorry, I write a comment cca once every 10 years. But here I could not resist. I thought that I will never ever in my life see a bigger BS than official government statistics, but you made it! Congratulations!


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Ethan White
Ethan White
A fearless truth-seeker and writer, as he uncovers untold stories with his sharp insights and unwavering dedication to journalistic integrity. Embark on a journey of enlightenment with Ethan's thought-provoking articles today.

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