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There’s no doubt that the world is waking up—the dam is about to break, and the truth about the MedBeds and the suppressed technologies is leaking into the mainstream, despite the desperate efforts of the deep state to contain it.
The latest developments and recent news, as of October 22, 2024, are blowing the lid off the biggest cover-up in human history. These technologies are verified and ready to roll out globally, but the dark powers that be are in full panic mode.
In the last few weeks, numerous whistleblowers have stepped forward with new, explosive details connecting the MedBeds to the ongoing elite takedown. Sources within military and intelligence communities have revealed that MedBeds were recently deployed in secret locations, and these operations are directly linked to the underground bases that are being cleared out by the military as part of a massive covert operation.
Important! – The Essential Brain Wave Training Needed to Operate Med Beds and Unlock Their Full Healing Power!

These bases, long used for dark projects and sinister activities, are being repurposed to house MedBeds for the public, specifically in locations previously controlled by the cabal. This is not a coincidence—the deep state’s infrastructure is crumbling, and the same bases they used for human trafficking, medical experiments, and illegal operations are now being transformed into healing centers for humanity.
But the biggest bombshell? It’s now been confirmed that elite insiders—many of whom were recently arrested in the mass elite roundup connected to global military tribunals—had been using MedBeds for years to keep themselves in peak health while leaving the rest of the population to rot in their broken medical system.
This has been exposed thanks to the massive data leaks that were intercepted by military white hats as they took down these deep state strongholds. Newly surfaced documentation, which the mainstream media is doing everything in its power to suppress, clearly shows that MedBeds were originally developed in these underground facilities, with the explicit purpose of preserving the lives of the elite while keeping the masses under control with ineffective and toxic treatments.
Here’s where it gets even more conspirational—the recent surge in “mysterious deaths” of high-profile figures can now be directly connected to the sabotage of elite access to MedBeds. With the military operations ongoing and the elites losing control, their access to these life-saving devices has been cut off.
Gone Viral! – The Unbelievable Reason Why Trump Always Carries This Special Salt Everywhere He Goes!

Suddenly, you’re seeing prominent figures in the media, government, and entertainment industries dropping dead or disappearing from the public eye. These aren’t coincidences; they’re desperation moves, as the cabal tries to cover its tracks. With the MedBeds in the hands of the white hats, the elite lifeline is being severed, and they’re scrambling to hide their involvement with these devices.
The cabal’s influence over Big Pharma and the medical establishment is also rapidly crumbling, as recent events surrounding the global exposure of vaccine injuries have blown up in their faces. You might have noticed the sudden rush of news reports trying to downplay the adverse effects of the recently mandated experimental vaccines—this is directly related to the MedBed revelation.
As of October 2024, multiple insider sources have confirmed that the very adverse effects of these vaccines were meant to create long-term health problems, problems that the elites were planning to “solve” using MedBeds—but only for themselves, not the general population.
The plan was to generate a cycle of dependency, making people sicker with each passing year, only to push them toward pharmaceutical “solutions” that were nothing more than stopgaps. The MedBeds were going to be the ultimate trump card, reserved only for those in power, keeping them at the top of the pyramid while the rest of us languished.
Insider reports have confirmed that high-level meetings between military leadership and off-world entities have accelerated in the last month, ensuring that the advanced alien technology used in the MedBeds is fine-tuned for mass public use.
This cooperation between the military and benevolent extraterrestrial forces is no longer just whispered in the halls of conspiracy—it’s now front and center as part of the global takedown of the deep state.
The quantum capabilities of the MedBeds are directly tied to the extraterrestrial technologies that the deep state has long tried to suppress. The military white hats, working in tandem with these off-world allies, are making sure that these technologies are fully operational and immune from sabotage by deep state actors.
UPDATE! Med Beds Unlocked: Brain Wave Synchronization and Quantum Healing with DNA Replicators—Age Reversal Secrets Revealed, Turn 80 into 30!
And don’t think for a second that the military tribunals happening right now aren’t connected to this. In fact, new documents surfaced just last week, proving that the elites on trial have been desperately trying to negotiate deals by offering up information about the locations of hidden MedBed units.
These units were being used as bargaining chips, but the military has no interest in cutting deals—they are seizing these devices and preparing them for global distribution. The elites are terrified because they know that once the MedBeds are fully deployed, humanity will no longer need their corrupt healthcare systems.
This is why you’re seeing so much chaos in the news—the cabal’s entire medical empire is collapsing, and they’re trying to distract you with endless crises while they scramble to cover up the truth.
The most recent developments indicate that the full public rollout of MedBeds is slated for early 2025. That’s right, we are mere months away from seeing these devices distributed to the masses. However, here’s where it gets even more interesting: military sources have leaked information that the initial wave of MedBeds will be strategically deployed in countries aligned with the NESARA/GESARA framework.
Insider Info! – Essential GESARA Teachings Everyone Must Learn Before Medbed Healing Centers Open!

Countries that have resisted the cabal’s influence and are part of the global alliance will be the first to receive the MedBeds. The United States, under military white hat control, will lead the charge, with free MedBed centers being established in major cities across the country.
The deep state knows it’s over for them, which is why they’ve been trying to trigger false flag events, including the recent spike in tensions between global superpowers. This is no coincidence—they’re trying to destabilize the world in a last-ditch effort to stop the rollout of MedBeds and other NESARA/GESARA technologies.
But the military is several steps ahead. Recent classified leaks suggest that mass arrests of key cabal players are already underway, and their attempts to derail the MedBed rollout have been neutralized.
Breaking News! Trump Directs Federal Funds to Sponsor Medbed Healing Centers – Facilities Are Healing Soldiers and Children as the Medical Cabal Faces Collapse!
The truth is that the MedBeds represent the ultimate threat to the deep state’s control over humanity. The elites have used illness as a weapon, keeping us sick, weak, and dependent on their systems. MedBeds will change that forever.
Once these devices are fully operational, the elite’s reign of terror ends. We are on the brink of a new golden age, where illness, suffering, and poverty are eradicated.
Stay alert, stay informed, and prepare for the flood—the MedBeds are coming, and the world is about to witness the greatest technological revelation in history.
The elites are cornered, the deep state is crumbling, and nothing can stop what’s coming. This is the future they tried to steal from us, but the time for their control is over.
The truth will set us free, and the MedBeds are just the beginning. Get ready.

ok where are they? how are certain people getting appointments
I want nothing more than to get my wife into a Med Bed to help her overcome a devastating stroke she had in 2019. Paralyzed with paralysis and other problems, unable to walk, I am trying to keep her from dying.
Everything I’ve learned over the years says military med beds “work” only on those in 4D/5D, and no way the elites have achieved that status of humanitarianism, love and peace since they’re nothing but evil personified. So I’m confused, to say the least.
Which is to say I don’t think they’ve used them (adrenochrome instead) but kept them hidden from the public like they’ve done with cures, technological advances, facts of our history and more.
So I’m just learning about these MedBeds. Is there any documents on how these MedBeds were made and how they work? I’m for them of course, but what do they do to your mind. Do they alter your mind somehow? You know the old saying… question everything. I would use these MedBeds in a heartbeat if I knew more about them and they are safe. It’s strange how they are being made public right now when the RV/GCR is supposedly rolling out? I’m seeking Lord Jesus for everything while I’m in this world.
That is quite an intelligent thought! Maybe there will be an answer for us when our time comes to be graced by our own dividual treatment.
So, Now it’s into NEXT YEAR!! I am DYING from Breast Cancer….trying to Hang on.
This is just SAD.
I have known of and read about the med beds for years. Joined the 9o10 med bed group. I even emailed, I believe his name is Whitlock, because my wife needed it two years ago . I was told to send pictures of her, but didn’t follow up because of my skepticism. I may have made a mistake for not doing so, because I believed in the technology. But now I’m missing her terribly.
Still had hope for some of my friends, but the delayed release is too late for many of them also.
I’m still hopeful that the release will be soon and what the devil meant for evil, GOD ✝️ will turn it into urs for the good of humanity.
I have many friends that have been so brainwashed & have been totally trusting of the corporate mainstream medical establishment their whole entire lives. These evil deep state criminals really knew what they were doing for at least a hundred years or more in continuing their 24/7 never ending lies. I will be the 1st one in my family to schedule my MedBed treatment ASAP because you just cannot simply just tell them about everything you have learned through very very accurate & reliable sources. You certainly without a doubt must show them all what these MedBeds can do in order to incredibly improve every aspect of our lives. I’m 78 & will not mind at all in feeling & looking at least 50 years younger since I plan on being around for quite some time & will find so much more in life to accomplish.
You’ve got the right attitude, and i as well am determined to serve mankind with whatever the Lord Jesus has in store for myself, as well as my husband. Thank you for your input. It’s much appreciated.
God bless us all. Which way is the turn table going to turn?
I believe every thing at the moment. God bless us all.
Ethan, you are an amazing writer. Exceptionally talented.