Saturday, October 5, 2024

BOMBSHELL! FEMA Leaves People on the Streets After Hurricane Helene—Putin Recalls 1.5 Million Russians From Israel to Go Back to Russia to Stop World War 3!

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FEMA’s response to Hurricane Helene isn’t just incompetence—it’s a deliberate betrayal. The devastation caused by Helene across the American Southeast wasn’t just a natural disaster. It was an opportunity. An opportunity for the elites to once again tighten their grip on the American people by making them more dependent, more desperate, and more vulnerable.

FEMA, the so-called “rescue” agency, didn’t just fail—they refused to help. That’s right. They intentionally withheld aid, demanding that desperate people, in the wake of a catastrophic hurricane, fill out online forms—knowing full well that most of the victims didn’t have power or internet access. This wasn’t just an oversight. It was part of a larger plan to keep people broken, dependent, and too weak to fight back.

And let’s be real—this isn’t the first time FEMA has done this. It’s part of their standard operating procedure, a way to make sure that any recovery is slow, painful, and dependent on the government’s good graces. Why? Because they don’t want self-sufficient citizens.

They want a population that has to crawl on its knees, begging for crumbs, so they can continue to assert their control. The meager $750 payment offered to flood victims is nothing but a joke, an insult, as if that paltry sum could do anything to repair the massive damage.

It’s not meant to help—it’s meant to pacify.

A weak handout designed to make it look like something is being done while people continue to suffer.

It’s a bait and switch, a smokescreen so that FEMA can pretend to care while ensuring nothing changes.

But here’s the real kicker: FEMA isn’t just dragging its feet—they’re using this disaster to tighten their surveillance and control over the people. You’ve probably heard the rumors, the whispers about what’s really happening at those so-called “disaster relief checkpoints.” They’re not just there to keep people “safe.” No, federal agents are using these checkpoints to inventory private property, monitoring who owns what, making lists of which homes and businesses are worth taking when the time comes.

That’s right—they’re preparing to strip Americans of their property, to seize control under the guise of disaster management. This is a dry run, a test of the systems they’ll use to control us all when the real clampdown comes. And they’re doing it right now, while everyone’s too distracted, too overwhelmed, to fight back.

Governor Roy Cooper’s deliberate stalling in North Carolina is another clear sign that this goes all the way to the top. The delay in deploying federal troops under Title 10 orders wasn’t an accident. It was planned.

They wanted the chaos to fester, wanted the state to suffer longer so that when the feds did come in, they’d be seen as saviors. But what’s really happening? These so-called “federal assets” aren’t here to help—they’re here to lock the place down, setting up checkpoints, restricting movement, and keeping people from accessing their own homes and businesses.

And FEMA isn’t alone in this. There’s something far more sinister going on behind the scenes. What if I told you that the so-called recovery efforts aren’t about rebuilding? They’re about consolidating control.

Right now, reports are surfacing that FEMA is coordinating with federal intelligence agencies to use the chaos of Hurricane Helene to map out key infrastructure and private assets, not just in the disaster zone, but across the entire region.

They’re not just managing a disaster—they’re preparing for something bigger, something far more sinister. They want to know who has what, where the resources are, and how to control it all when the time comes to tighten the noose.

But that’s not all. Have you noticed how little media coverage this disaster is getting? Sure, there are a few stories here and there, but where’s the outrage? Where’s the wall-to-wall coverage of FEMA’s blatant abandonment of its duty? It’s all being hushed up, swept under the rug by the same media apparatus that’s been complicit in keeping the truth hidden from the public for decades.

The elites control the narrative, and they don’t want the people waking up to the fact that this so-called “natural disaster” is just the beginning of a much larger plan to break the American spirit and seize total control.

Now let’s pivot to the Middle East, where the globalist agenda is shifting into overdrive. Israel’s missile strikes on Syria were not just a military operation. They were a provocation—an intentional act to ignite a broader conflict that will draw in Russia, Iran, and eventually the United States.

This wasn’t about targeting Hezbollah or Iranian arms caches. No, this was about triggering a response from Russia. Israeli forces deliberately targeted Khmeimim Air Base, knowing full well that it’s located right next to a Russian military installation. They wanted a reaction, they wanted to push Russia into a corner. Why? Because the elites are desperate for war. They need it. War is the engine of control.

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And don’t buy into the media’s narrative that this is just about Israel defending itself. That’s what they want you to believe, but the truth is much darker. This is about baiting Russia into a confrontation, dragging the world into yet another endless conflict that benefits no one but the military-industrial complex and the shadowy cabal that profits from global chaos.

Think about it—why did Russia immediately order all 1.5 million of its citizens in Israel to leave the country? Because they know what’s coming. They see the trap that’s being set, and they’re trying to get out before it snaps shut.

Meanwhile, the U.S. government, which should be stepping in to de-escalate the situation, is doing nothing. Why? Because they’re in on it. They want the conflict to escalate. They need the distraction, need the chaos to divert attention away from what’s happening at home.

Stay Strong, Patriot – Find Peace in the Chaos!

The elites know that a major war in the Middle East will keep the population terrified, keep them glued to their screens, while back at home, they strip away more of our freedoms, more of our rights, and tighten their grip on power.

And then there’s the situation in the Red Sea, where the Houthis—puppets of the same global elite—are stepping up their game. The attacks on the M/T CORDELIA MOON and M/V MARATHOPOLIS were not random acts of aggression. They were carefully planned strikes, designed to send a message: the global trade routes are not safe, and anyone who thinks they are is delusional.

The Houthis are nothing but pawns, proxies being used by the real power players to destabilize one of the world’s most critical shipping lanes. Why? Because instability means profit for those in control. It means fear, and fear means control.

This is the same tactic being used at home. The longshoremen’s strike that crippled the supply chain wasn’t just a labor dispute. It was a deliberate act of sabotage, another way to keep the American people scrambling for basic necessities, too distracted to see the bigger picture.

The elites want chaos. They want shortages. They want the system to break down so that they can step in and “save” it—on their terms. The strike may be paused until January, but the damage is already done. They’ve shown just how fragile the system is, how easily it can be disrupted, and how unprepared we are for what’s coming next.

And let’s not forget the targeted violence that’s creeping into everyday American life. The IED attack in Bremerton, Washington is just the latest in a growing trend of silent terror. This wasn’t a random attack. It was a clear signal that nowhere is safe. But the authorities? Silent. No motive, no suspects.

They don’t want you to know who’s really behind these attacks because if you knew, you’d see just how deeply the rot has set in. The truth is, these attacks are part of a broader campaign to keep the population living in fear, to remind us all that the chaos is here to stay.

Everything we are witnessing—whether it’s the devastation in the Southeast, the provocation in Syria, or the destabilization of global trade—is all connected. It’s all part of the same plan, orchestrated by the same global elite who profit from war, disaster, and fear.

Stay Strong, Patriot – Find Peace in the Chaos!

They’re pushing us to the brink, creating chaos at every turn, so that when the dust finally settles, they’ll be the ones standing in control of everything. But this isn’t just the future they want—it’s the future they’ve been building for decades.

And unless we wake up to the reality of what’s happening, unless we start fighting back, we’ll all be caught in their web, with no way out.

This isn’t a drill. This is the endgame. And it’s playing out right before our eyes.

The elites are pulling the strings, and they won’t stop until they’ve stripped us of everything—our freedom, our security, and our future.

The time to act is now. We have to tear down the system they’ve built before it’s too late.

Because if we don’t, we’ll all be living in the world they’ve planned for us—a world of endless chaos, endless war, and total control.


  1. I don’t see how much more negative chaos can last for this country. And there are still die hard (rather stupid) libs that don’t see what is happening right in front of us. This hurricane is just because of climate change. We depend on Trump to somehow fix us but at this point, can we be fixed? Is our country really so far gone it can’t be salvaged? Maybe we can only be “fixed” by the good Lord himself. I’m praying every day for help and you should to. It’s the only way we can survive! Jesus, please come down and help Trump! He can’t work the miracles the You can!


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