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The time for denial is over. What’s unfolding right now in the United States isn’t some random sequence of events—it’s the culmination of decades-long plots hatched by the global elites, the deep state, and the hidden hand of international cartels. The military movements on the East Coast, from New York down to the Carolinas, are the opening moves in a battle plan that’s been kept in the shadows for too long.
The U.S. military is gearing up for war on American soil, against enemies who’ve already infiltrated our borders and who have been aided and abetted by a corrupt political class that hates everything America stands for.
Let’s be clear: these military operations are not just exercises. They are targeted preparations for urban combat in American cities against forces that have been allowed to fester under the very nose of the previous administration.
The deep state, with its tentacles in the CIA, the DNC, and globalist organizations like the UN, has been laying the groundwork for a takeover. They’ve been using South American gangs, funded and weaponized by cartels and facilitated by the UN, as foot soldiers in their plot to destabilize America from within.
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They’ve been training on U.S. soil, prepping for urban warfare because they know the fight is coming to our streets. They’re not going to sit idly by while our cities are overrun by cartel-backed gangs masquerading as immigrant communities.
And while the mainstream media tries to distract you with nonsense, real patriots are taking action. The Hell’s Angels, an organization that’s been demonized by the left, are arming up in Colorado, setting up munitions depots, and preparing to defend American soil.
These are ex-Marines, ex-Army veterans who are not just going to sit back and watch as our country is torn apart by South American gangs who have been sent here specifically to cause chaos. This is a coordinated assault on American sovereignty, with gangs being used as pawns by the deep state to create the kind of chaos that allows them to swoop in and take control.
The attack on Hell’s Angels leadership by these cartel-controlled South American gangs is a declaration of war. The silence from the Colorado authorities and the denials from official channels only prove that this goes higher up the chain than anyone wants to admit.
There are whispers that a Military Command is involved in coordinating between the Hell’s Angels and higher-ups in Colorado’s law enforcement. They’re not going to say it out loud because they know the real enemy is watching. And who is that enemy? It’s the very politicians who claim to be on our side but have been selling us out to globalist interests for years.
The infiltration runs deeper than anyone is willing to admit. The prisons are boiling over as traditional gangs like the 23s are pushed to the brink by South American gangs brought in by cartels and propped up by CIA ops. Is a proxy battle orchestrated by the deep state to keep America’s patriots divided and fighting among themselves.
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The Hell’s Angels are issuing ultimatums: leave Colorado, or face their wrath. And if you think that’s just tough talk, think again. They’ve been in communication with high-level veterans, forming alliances that span beyond biker culture into a full-fledged militia ready to defend their country against enemies foreign and domestic.
Trump knows this. He’s been playing the long game, setting up a global coalition to dismantle the UN’s stranglehold on sovereign nations. Remember, this isn’t just about America—it’s about fighting a globalist agenda that wants to reduce every nation to a pawn in their game.
Trump’s moves against the cartels, including covert operations training Mexican nationals to take the fight back to the cartels, are just the beginning. He’s not just playing defense; he’s going on the offensive, and the cartels, the CIA, and their puppet politicians are terrified. They know that when Trump returns to power in 2024, the gloves are coming off.
Mark my words: the 2024 election is not just another election. It’s the last stand for the America we know and love. The deep state, the DNC, the cartels, and every corrupt player in the globalist game are throwing everything they have into this fight because they know that a Trump victory will dismantle their house of cards.
The military is preparing for the day when Trump unleashes the full power of the U.S. government against these traitors. They’ve seen the fraud, the stolen elections, and the corruption that’s plagued this nation, and they’re ready to take it back.

We’ve got federal U.S. Marshals, private military contractors, and thousands of boots on the ground working tirelessly to infiltrate urban gang neighborhoods and cartel networks. The Arrest Wars are a full-scale operation aimed at bringing down the entire corrupt apparatus that’s been running this country into the ground.
When Trump takes office again, the indictments will fly, and no one will be safe—not Zuckerberg, not the Clintons, not the globalist puppeteers at the WEF or the Rockefeller Foundation. They’re all going down, and the patriots are the ones who will be there to see it through.
The panic is real, and it’s spreading like wildfire among the elites. They thought they could control the narrative, but the truth is breaking through, and there’s no stopping it. The DNC, the globalists, the CIA—they’re all scrambling to cover their tracks as the Arrest Wars loom closer.
We’re talking tens of thousands of arrests, high-profile figures being dragged into the light for their role in the staged civil unrest, the military coup attempts, and the stolen elections. This isn’t just about politics—this is about reclaiming the country from those who’ve betrayed it at every turn.
So brace yourselves, patriots. The storm is here. The military, the Hell’s Angels, the private contractors—they’re all in position. The stage is set for the most significant reckoning this country has ever seen.
Trump is poised to take back the White House, and when he does, the full force of American justice will be unleashed on the enemies within. This is a fight for the very soul of the nation.
And with Trump leading the charge, America will rise again, stronger, freer, and unyielding to the globalist agenda that sought to destroy it.
The time to stand is now, and the time to fight is at hand. We will take our country back, and nothing, not the deep state, not the cartels, not even the UN, will stand in our way.