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The dark hands of power have made their move, and they’re coming for what’s left of your freedom. Singapore’s recent decision to approve 16 insect species for human consumption is a calculated step in a much larger, far more sinister agenda.
Behind this so-called push for sustainability lies a web of deception, manipulation, and outright control. They say it’s about saving the planet, but in truth, it’s about consolidating power and reducing us to obedient consumers of whatever they decide to put on our plates.
The puppeteers at the top—Bill Gates, DARPA, the UN—are not your benevolent saviors. They are the architects of a new world order where your diet, your health, and your very autonomy are under siege. Gates, with his ever-present smirk of fake philanthropy, is not interested in solving world hunger or protecting the environment.
His investments in insect-based proteins are not altruistic; they are part of a grand scheme to monopolize the protein industry, crush animal farming, and corner the market on what they have cynically branded as “sustainable” food.
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DARPA, the shadowy research arm of the U.S. Department of Defense, is deeply embedded in this agenda. For years, they’ve been involved in projects that most of us could never imagine in our worst nightmares.
Their collaboration with the National Science Foundation and the UN in pushing insect-based diets isn’t about innovation—it’s about control. They are systematically working to ensure that the future of food is in their hands, where every bite you take serves their interests, not yours.
The UN, the supposed bastion of global peace and security, has long since sold its soul. Under the guise of the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), they are forcing a new food system down our throats. SDG 2 and SDG 12 sound innocuous enough, talking about ending hunger and promoting sustainable consumption, but let’s decode their true meaning.
“Sustainability” in their lexicon is just code for enforced scarcity, rationed consumption, and the elimination of your right to choose what you eat.
Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D., sees through this charade. He’s pointed out the chilling reality behind the UN’s push for insect-based foods—this isn’t about ending hunger; it’s about coercing you into a diet you never asked for. It’s about making you compliant, weak, and dependent on a food system controlled by the elite.
The U.N., along with their partners at the World Economic Forum (WEF), aren’t pushing insect consumption for themselves. Do you think Klaus Schwab and his cronies are munching on crickets and mealworms at their lavish meetings? Of course not. This is a diet designed for the masses, not for the masters.
Must Watch! – DARPA’s Dystopian Food Agenda Is Unfolding Now—Why You Need to Start Growing Your Own Food Before They Take Away Your Choices!

The FDA, another cog in this machine of manipulation, has played its part by turning a blind eye to the dangers posed by this new food regime. By classifying many insects as “Generally Regarded as Safe” (GRAS), they’ve bypassed rigorous testing, allowing potentially harmful insect-based foods to flood the market.
Dr. Meryl Nass has already warned us about the risks—parasites, digestive issues, and severe allergic reactions. But does the FDA care? Absolutely not. Their role in this grand scheme is to quietly facilitate the agenda, ensuring that these products reach your table with minimal scrutiny.
Bill Gates, with his empire of investments, is no stranger to monopolizing markets. His so-called concern for the environment is nothing more than a smokescreen for his real goal: absolute control over the global food supply.
By promoting insect-based foods, he’s positioning himself as the gatekeeper of protein, ready to profit from the demise of traditional animal farming. He’s already started lobbying to ban animal-based proteins, knowing full well that as these alternatives are pushed, your choices will become more limited, and his pockets will become even deeper.
This isn’t just about profit—it’s about power. The more control Gates and his ilk have over what you eat, the more control they have over you. The small farmers, the independent ranchers, the local producers—they’re being systematically driven out of business.
The food system of the future, if these globalists have their way, will be one where everything you eat comes from a factory, owned by a handful of megacorporations who answer only to their billionaire shareholders.
Urgent! – Their Endgame Is Total Control – Arm Yourself with These Cheap, Everlasting Foods Before They Take Everything!

And it’s not just in Singapore. This push for insect consumption is spreading like a virus across the globe. The EU, the UK, Australia—they’ve all fallen in line. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and other regulatory bodies have already approved various insects for human consumption, despite the public’s clear lack of interest.
Studies show that people are repelled by the idea of eating insects, but the powers that be don’t care. They’re using every psychological trick in the book, from behavioral “nudging” to blatant propaganda, to change public perception.
Let’s talk about this so-called “nudging.” It’s a tactic straight out of the dystopian playbook—subtly manipulating people’s behavior without their conscious awareness. The National Science Foundation, in collaboration with behavioral scientists, is working to erode the natural revulsion most people feel towards eating insects.
They know that over time, with enough exposure and propaganda, they can make even the most repulsive ideas seem normal. They’ve already started this in schools, indoctrinating children to accept insects as a viable food source before they’re old enough to question it.
In Singapore, companies like Altimate Nutrition have taken this a step further, targeting children directly through educational programs. Nearly a hundred schools have been infiltrated by this agenda, with workshops designed to brainwash the next generation into believing that insects are not just food, but the food of the future. And guess what? It’s working. Surveys show that after these sessions, 80% of students are willing to try insects. This is indoctrination, pure and simple.
The World Economic Forum (WEF), a key player in this global power grab, is fully behind this push. Singapore, a country often hailed as a model of compliance with Agenda 2030, is just the beginning.
Insider Info! – Insect Diets and Controlled Meds: How Global Powers Are Erasing Centuries-Old Natural Medicine for Their Own Gain!

The WEF sees Singapore as a testing ground, a controlled environment where they can refine their strategies before rolling them out globally. If they can make it work there, they can make it work anywhere.
The insect agenda is not about environmentalism, health, or sustainability. It’s about control—control over your food, your health, and your very existence. The elites have decided that the future of food is one where you have no say.
They want to take away your steak and replace it with a cricket patty, all while telling you it’s for your own good. They want to weaken you, both physically and mentally, to make you more pliable, more dependent on their systems, and less capable of resisting their control.
So what can you do? First, wake up to the reality of what’s happening. Don’t let their slick marketing and pseudo-scientific propaganda fool you. Recognize that this push for insect consumption is not a natural evolution but a forced transformation, designed to benefit the few at the expense of the many.
Second, resist. Support local farmers, buy real food, and stay informed. The more you understand their agenda, the better equipped you’ll be to fight against it.
The future they’re building is one where you have no say. But you do have a choice. You can choose to reject their lies, their manipulations, and their control.
You can choose to stand up for your rights, your health, and your freedom. Don’t let them take away your choice—fight back before it’s too late.