Mike Johnson issued a direct threat—not to the American people, but to the illegitimate judicial regime that has been weaponized by globalist agents within our government to destroy President Trump’s second term and derail the total collapse of their corrupt empire.
Speaker Johnson has now made it absolutely clear: Congress has the authority to defund and disband entire federal courts, and the time to exercise that power has come. Not next year. Not after elections. Now.
Let’s be absolutely honest: since January 20, 2025, when Donald J. Trump lawfully and constitutionally returned to the presidency, he has not been “governed” by law. He has been attacked. A coordinated, pre-planned, and globally-backed legal coup was immediately activated—137 legal attacks in less than two months.
That’s not a coincidence. That’s an orchestrated assault by compromised judges, intelligence operatives, and the very same treasonous actors who orchestrated the 2020 theft.
The numbers don’t lie. Trump’s first term (2017–2021) saw 65 nationwide injunctions. That was already unprecedented. Now? He’s facing more than double that amount in just 60 days. Only two cases closed. The rest? Open wounds, bleeding out time and energy, draining every effort he makes to restore the Republic.
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This isn’t “politics.” This is sabotage by a shadow network of judicial insurgents loyal not to the Constitution, but to globalist masters who will never allow Trump to unchain America from their demonic control systems.
What we are witnessing is the final phase of lawfare—the legal weaponization of the judiciary to override the will of the people, to halt Executive Orders that dismantle their money laundering networks, and to block every attempt by Trump to dismantle the alphabet agencies still operating like rogue militias for the old regime.
The judges behind this aren’t misguided. They’re not “activists.” They are operators—many of whom were placed with Deep State sponsorship, fast-tracked through the system, given immunity, and tied directly into networks that go far beyond politics.
We’re talking about individuals connected to CIA black projects, offshore accounts, and UN World Governance pacts designed to override national sovereignty through court decrees. These district courts have become nodes of global enforcement, strategically placed to neutralize true American leadership the moment it threatens the old global order.
And where has the Supreme Court been during all of this?
The Supreme Court has not only failed to stop the madness—they have silently endorsed it. By refusing to intervene, they have exposed their own submission to the same handlers. Their silence is not neutrality. It’s collusion. And it’s disgraceful.
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Enter Speaker Johnson.
On March 25, 2025, appearing visibly resolute, he confirmed what many in the patriot movement have known for years but never thought they’d hear from the floor of Congress:
“We do have authority over the federal courts, as you know. We can eliminate an entire district court. We have power over funding for the courts and all these other things. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and Congress is going to act. So stay tuned for that.”
Let’s get this done, Mr. Speaker!
— SweetPeaBelle (@SweetPeaBell326) March 26, 2025
“Mike Johnson warns that Congress has the power to eliminate an entire district court and that desperate times call for desperate measures.”
(GenWarz) pic.twitter.com/eS6g3Qt8Ty
This was an open declaration of legislative war against the judicial cabal that’s been hijacking America from the inside.
The authority is real. Article III of the Constitution gives Congress the power to strip jurisdiction, withhold funding, and abolish entire courts. That power was never used—because previous Congresses were either afraid or complicit. Now we have a Speaker who is neither.
Johnson’s threat is the deepest strike against the Deep State’s last stronghold. The legislative branch is now prepared to do what even the Supreme Court won’t: pull the plug on the machinery of judicial tyranny.
Think about what this means.
If Congress begins defunding these federal courts, it starves the beast. It shuts down their ability to launder lawsuits. It halts the payroll for the corrupt clerks and embedded attorneys who have been funneling fake litigation through friendly judges. And if they go a step further and dismantle entire districts? Then the judges themselves are removed from power. Stripped of robes, titles, and authority. Their treason neutralized.
And the truth is, this doesn’t just save Trump’s presidency—it saves America from total foreign control.
Because here’s what they don’t want you to know:
Behind many of these court filings are international contracts. Soros-funded NGOs, WEF-linked legal consortiums, and even CCP-front organizations are sponsoring these challenges against Trump’s Executive Orders. The goal is to tie up the President’s hands so that the Quantum Financial System, Project Odin, and the GESARA mandates never reach the people.
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If these courts are allowed to remain in place, they will kill GESARA in committee. They will block the Quantum Access Cards. They will sabotage every rollout of the new digital economic infrastructure. And they will protect the elite’s old debt-based death grip until the very end.
But not anymore.
Mike Johnson has stepped up. The kill switch has been located. And now it’s just a matter of timing.
The rogue judges? They know what’s coming. That’s why the attacks are escalating. They know that if Trump breaks free of their legal noose, the arrests will begin. Real arrests—not symbolic slaps on the wrist, but full-scale tribunal-level prosecutions for treason, sedition, and conspiracy against the Republic.
We are in the final days of this hidden war.
The courts have become the enemy’s last fortress. But they are crumbling. And Speaker Johnson just fired the opening shot that will bring the whole corrupt judiciary to its knees.
There is no going back. The storm is here. And Congress now holds the sword.
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