Thursday, October 17, 2024

Global Cabal Exposed: From Germany’s Judicial Deceptions to Zionist Expansions—The Covert Blueprint for World Domination

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The German government’s nefarious actions against Dr. Reiner Fuellmich are a glaring testament to their true allegiance—not to the German people, but to Big Pharma and the shadowy agendas of the World Economic Forum (WEF). They have concocted a financial fraud charge against Dr. Fuellmich, an allegation so groundless that it reeks of desperation and manipulation. This is no mere legal dispute; this is a full-blown assault on those who dare challenge the overlords of the global health regime.

Despite the pettiness of the accusation, Dr. Fuellmich is being vilified as though he were a war criminal. The German government’s overblown reaction reveals a truth they can’t hide—they have abandoned all pretenses of justice. Their actions are not just an attack on a man, but an affront to the very principles of legal integrity, proving themselves nothing more than a vile extension of corporate and globalist interests.

To understand the gravity of the present, we must revisit the past. The Third Reich, often held as the darkest chapter in German history, ironically, might have been more representative of the German populace than today’s puppet government. Adolf Hitler, a name charged with controversy, undeniably rallied the nation from the crushing repercussions of the Treaty of Versailles. He was a leader who, regardless of his methods, prioritized German recovery—rebuilding its economy, squashing hyperinflation, and introducing the Volkswagen as a symbol of mobility and progress for the common man.

The onset of World War II was not a German plot but a defensive maneuver against aggression, as noted by historian David Irving. The British and French, by offering a hollow guarantee to Poland, essentially forced Hitler’s hand, leading to the inevitable split of Poland with the Soviet Union. Yet, when war erupted, only Germany was painted as the aggressor, a narrative meticulously crafted by the victors of war to mask their own provocations.

Fast forward to today’s crisis in Ukraine, and we see the echoes of history. The U.S., with its NATO allies, orchestrated a coup to topple a legitimately elected government, replacing it with a puppet regime that immediately began oppressing the Russian-speaking population in Eastern Ukraine. This blatant provocation left Russia with no choice but to intervene to protect its people—a defensive act twisted into an ‘invasion’ by the West’s propaganda machine.

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As the situation in Ukraine teeters on the brink of global conflict, another sinister plot unfolds in the Middle East. The U.S. and Israel, under the guise of protecting Israeli borders, are ramping up for an assault on Iran. This is not about protection but about clearing the path for the expansion of “Greater Israel,” a concept openly flaunted by Netanyahu that stretches from the Nile to the Euphrates.

The real objective behind the neoconservative wars in the Middle East—from Afghanistan to Syria—has always been to dismantle any opposition to Israeli territorial ambitions. Hezbollah, which has twice thwarted Israeli advances in southern Lebanon, remains a significant obstacle, reliant on support from Iran. By targeting Iran, the U.S. and Israel aim to cut off this support, leaving Hezbollah vulnerable and Israel free to claim resources like the coveted waters of the Litani River.

This pattern of sacrifice and destruction is not random but a calculated move in a game of geopolitical chess, where Christian gentiles and Muslims are mere pawns. Evangelicals in the U.S. are duped into believing that their support for these wars is a divine mandate, while the Western public is subdued by a guilt-inducing narrative centered around the Holocaust.


Putin’s Russia has unfortunately played a reactive rather than proactive role. Despite showing flashes of decisive leadership, as seen in Syria, the Russian administration has too often allowed the initiative to slip through its fingers, leaving the field open for U.S. and Israeli maneuvers. The absence of a formal defense treaty between Russia, China, and Iran is a gaping hole in the global resistance against Western hegemony.

As the U.S. gears up for another election and Putin prepares for the BRICS summit, critical decisions are being postponed, and the threat of war lingers. The lack of a robust response from potential counter-forces like Russia and China only emboldens the aggressive postures of the U.S. and Israel, pushing us ever closer to the brink of a conflict that could escalate into nuclear Armageddon.

The question now is not if, but when, the West’s imperial ambitions will ignite the fuse of war. Without a united front from nations opposed to these hegemonic pursuits, the world remains at the mercy of a cabal of elites whose insatiable appetite for power knows no bounds. The future hangs in the balance, and only a decisive shift in the geopolitical landscape can prevent the catastrophic outcome that history will remember as either the ultimate failure to curb imperial overreach or the beginning of a new, multipolar world order.

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Helena Carey
Helena Carey
Helena Carey is a seasoned news author renowned for her engaging storytelling and insightful analysis. With a decade of journalism experience, she's a trusted voice in the ever-evolving news landscape.

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