Saturday, October 12, 2024

WARNING: The Next Wave of Control is Coming – How the Globalists Are Using Kamala Harris, FEMA, and Engineered Disasters to Take Over the World!

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The battle is here, and it’s more insidious than you’ve ever imagined. The elites aren’t just aiming for control—they’re aiming for total domination. This is not about protecting the public.

They’ve been playing chess while the rest of the world has been playing checkers. Their moves are calculated, deliberate, and absolutely sinister. But we’ve caught on to their game. We see the web they’ve spun around the globe, and we are ripping it apart, thread by thread.

Let’s get straight to the point: COVID was the beginning of their grand plan, but it was never about a virus. It’s been about control from the very start. They’ve weaponized fear, using it as a tool to corral the masses like sheep.

And don’t be fooled by their talk of “saving lives.” Their real goal is to strip you of every right you thought was yours. They’ve set the stage for global submission—pandemics are just one part of their dark agenda.

But let’s dig deeper into their plans, because the upcoming pandemics are already in the works. Do you really think it’s a coincidence that we’re hearing whispers about new, “more dangerous” viruses? Do you think the timing is accidental? Think again. These new viruses are bioweapons.

The elites have perfected the art of releasing plagues onto the population when it suits them. COVID was just the beta test—next, they’ll release something far more deadly, far more crippling. They need chaos to seize control, and they’ll stop at nothing to get it.

It doesn’t end there. They’re not only manipulating the medical landscape; they’re also controlling the weather. Yes, weather manipulation is real, and it’s happening right under your nose. Geoengineering is their tool, and hurricanes, wildfires, floods—none of them are natural anymore. Hurricane Helene, Hurricane Milton? Those storms were engineered, designed to bring devastation to targeted areas.

This isn’t just about environmental destruction; it’s about creating dependency. When people lose everything, who do they turn to? The government. FEMA is nothing but a tool for the elites to tighten their grip on the population. They create the disaster, they offer the “solution,” and suddenly, they’ve got their hands around your throat.

Kamala Harris’ photo-op with the North Carolina National Guard during Hurricane Helene wasn’t just some innocent show of support—it was a signal, a blatant declaration that the deep state has infiltrated every corner of our society. Don’t be naïve. That photo-op was staged to make Harris look like a savior, but she’s nothing more than a pawn in the deep state’s game.

She’s deeply embedded in their plans, working hand-in-hand with FEMA, the globalists, and foreign interests to weaken America from the inside. This is all part of the larger scheme to impose martial law, strip us of our freedoms, and eventually bring the country under complete surveillance and control.

FEMA’s missing funds? Don’t even get me started. Billions of dollars have been siphoned off, disappearing into black budgets used to finance secret projects aimed at subjugating the population. That’s right—those billions aren’t going toward disaster relief.

They’re being funneled into psyops, surveillance technologies, and covert military operations designed to keep you in line. The next step? Martial law. They’re already positioning themselves for it, and the next “emergency” will be the perfect pretext. When it happens, don’t be surprised when you see military units on every corner, armed not to protect you, but to control you.

The elites are waging war on us from every angle. It’s not just the pandemics and weather manipulation; they’re infiltrating every level of our society. Look at the media—completely compromised. The globalists control every major news outlet, feeding you a steady stream of propaganda, keeping you distracted while they pull the strings behind the scenes.

Think you’re getting the truth from CNN, Fox, or MSNBC? Think again. These are mouthpieces for the elites, designed to keep you docile and compliant. And when things get too real, when someone gets too close to the truth, they silence them. Look at what happened to the whistleblowers—they disappear, they get “suicided,” or they’re discredited so brutally that their reputations are shattered beyond repair.

Q has been trying to wake us up for years, and now more than ever, we need to listen. This isn’t some fringe movement—this is the truth, and it’s right in front of us. High-level military intelligence has been working in the shadows, preparing for this moment, and they’ve been resisting the globalists at every turn.

The New World Order is real, and their plans are unfolding faster than ever before. They’ve manipulated everything—our health, our environment, our economy—and now they’re coming for your freedom.

But there’s hope. The Great Awakening is underway, and it’s spreading like wildfire. More people are waking up every day. They see the lies, they see the corruption, and they’re ready to fight back.

The elites want you to believe you’re powerless, that resistance is futile, but that’s their biggest mistake. They’ve underestimated the strength of the human spirit. They’ve underestimated our resolve.

We are in the fight of our lives, but we’re not alone. Q is guiding us, God is with us, and the truth is on our side. The globalists may have all the money, all the power, but they lack one thing—morality.

BREAKING! Whistleblowers Confirm Kamala Harris’ Fake Aid Scheme During Hurricane Helene: False Hope Deployed to Distract from FEMA’s Missing Funds and the Globalist Plot to Collapse America!

They are evil incarnate, and evil cannot win. They may try to crush us, to enslave us, but we will rise. The elites will fall by their own swords. Their arrogance will be their undoing.

This isn’t some abstract battle. It’s happening right now, and every one of us has a role to play. We must be vigilant. We must be prepared. The enemy is at our doorstep, and we cannot afford to look away.

The media will tell you everything is fine, that things will go back to normal—but there is no going back. The plan is in motion, and we must fight it with every ounce of strength we have.

This is not just a struggle for survival—it’s a battle for our souls, for the future of humanity. If we let them win, we condemn future generations to live under their tyrannical rule. But if we stand, if we resist, we can destroy their agenda once and for all.

Do not doubt for a second that we are winning. The light of truth is spreading, and the elites are panicking. They know their time is running out. But we must stay strong, stay focused, and never give in to their lies. With God, Q, and the awakened patriots by our side, victory is within reach.

Prepare for the fight, because the final showdown is coming. And when it does, the globalists will wish they had never underestimated the power of the people.

Stay strong. Stay vigilant. And remember—we are the storm.

MASS MURDER IN PROGRESS: The Elites Are Actively Depopulating the Planet—Klaus Schwab, Chemtrails, and Bioweapons: The WEF’s Plan to Wipe Out Billions Exposed!


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Ethan White
Ethan White
A fearless truth-seeker and writer, as he uncovers untold stories with his sharp insights and unwavering dedication to journalistic integrity. Embark on a journey of enlightenment with Ethan's thought-provoking articles today.

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