Saturday, October 12, 2024

BOMBSHELL! Starlink and Trump Are About to Unleash the EBS – 8-Hour Broadcast Incoming, Followed by 10 Days of Darkness – The Global Elite’s Secrets Will Be Exposed!

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Starlink isn’t just about providing internet or military defense. It’s the backbone of something much bigger—a tool for global awakening and exposure of the Elite’s darkest secrets. But that’s not all.

The Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA) is about to unleash the greatest wealth transfer in history, reclaiming the fortunes stolen by the global elites and redistributing them to the people. For centuries, they’ve hoarded wealth, manipulating economies and keeping the masses in debt slavery. More Info on

But now, thanks to the upcoming Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) powered by Starlink, their empire is about to fall, and financial freedom will be restored to the people.

As of October 9, 2024, the pieces are rapidly falling into place. Elon Musk, alongside Trump and the global Alliance, is making massive strides toward the full-scale activation of the Starlink-EBS operation.

With every passing day, the elites are losing their grip on control as new military preparations, strategic takeovers of corrupt agencies, and secret tribunals set the stage for the final blow. The world is on the brink of monumental change, and Starlink is at the center of it.

Insider Info! – The GESARA Teachings You Must Learn Before the Greatest Wealth Transfer in History Reclaims Money from the Elites and Returns It to You!

The EBS: Starlink’s Role in Exposing the Elite’s Secrets

Starlink is unlike any other satellite system in existence. (More Info on With over 1,700 satellites already in low-earth orbit and more being launched, Starlink provides nearly total global coverage.

These satellites orbit at around 550 km above the Earth’s surface, which allows for much lower latency (time for data transfer) than traditional satellite systems. This is why Starlink can stream data, video, and live feeds with near-instantaneous speed.

This capability is what makes Starlink the perfect medium for broadcasting the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS). When it’s activated, this system will take over all global communications platforms. Every television, radio, and internet-connected device will broadcast the same message simultaneously.

But here’s the key: Starlink will be the main satellite system ensuring that no one can block, jam, or prevent the EBS from being aired. Traditional communication platforms could be easily shut down or interfered with by the elites trying to protect their secrets, but with Starlink, this is impossible. More Info on

What Will the EBS Reveal? The Truth About the Elite

For 8 hours, Starlink will stream uncensored, undeniable proof of the crimes committed by the global elite. These broadcasts will include pre-recorded confessions, documents, videos, and testimonies from whistleblowers exposing the most horrific and damning evidence of corruption, child trafficking, money laundering, blackmail, and more.

As of October 2024, multiple insiders have already confirmed that footage has been gathered and military personnel are ready to reveal damning information about secret societies, political puppetmasters, and the shadowy financial networks that have ruled the world for centuries.

Urgent! – 10 Days of Darkness Survival Guide: Essential Steps to Prepare for the EBS Activation!

The elites have long feared this day, knowing that their secrets would be laid bare for the entire world to see. The broadcasts will reveal how the elites have been manipulating governments, economies, and societies for centuries—how they’ve infiltrated every corner of the globe to enslave populations under a system designed to keep them in power.

This is why Starlink is so crucial. These revelations will come directly from a system they cannot control. Unlike traditional media, which they’ve manipulated for decades, the EBS will bypass all mainstream channels and go straight to the people through Starlink. The elites will have no way to stop it.

For the first time in modern history, their crimes will be displayed on every screen, in every home, and to every person on the planet—simultaneously. This will be the moment when the world wakes up. More Info on

How Will Starlink Manage This Global Broadcast?

The EBS broadcast is going to use the full power of the Starlink satellite network. Here’s the breakdown of how this will work:

Global Coverage: Starlink’s network of low-orbit satellites will ensure there are no “blackout zones” where the signal can be blocked. This is critical. No matter where you are on the planet—be it the U.S., Europe, Asia, Africa, or remote islands—the EBS will reach you.

Starlink ensures that even remote and previously unreachable areas are fully connected. The elite can’t hide behind national borders or secure underground bunkers. This broadcast will be everywhere.

Encrypted, Unhackable Signals: Starlink operates on an advanced encrypted system, meaning there is no way for hostile actors or elite-controlled governments to jam or hack the signals. In the past, communication platforms could be compromised.

But with Starlink, Elon Musk has ensured that the broadcast will be secure, uncorrupted, and uninterrupted. The elites will have no method of escape, no way to censor the content being revealed.

Real-Time Streaming: The EBS will stream live for 8 continuous hours. Starlink’s low-latency system, combined with its high-speed bandwidth, will ensure that there is no lag or delay. It will broadcast the most up-to-date information as it happens.

From video evidence showing elite corruption to live announcements from military tribunals exposing key figures, the world will watch it all unfold in real time.

Multiple Languages, Worldwide Reach: The EBS broadcast will be in multiple languages, ensuring that no matter what language you speak, you will understand the gravity of what is being revealed.

Starlink will be coordinating the global broadcast across different languages to ensure no one is left out or confused by the revelations. (More Info on The truth will be available to all, not just to those who speak English.

Controlled from Secure Military Bases: The broadcast will be controlled from secure military bases aligned with Trump and the global Alliance. These bases have been working with Starlink to make sure the system is ready to go live.

As of now, high-ranking military insiders confirm that they are on high alert, waiting for the final go-ahead from Trump and Musk. All preparations are in place, and once the signal is sent, there will be no turning back. This is the ultimate tool to break the elite’s stranglehold over the media and information channels.

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The 10 Days of Darkness: Starlink’s Role in the Global Shutdown

The 8-hour EBS broadcast is just the beginning. This will mark the onset of the 10 Days of Darkness, a period where all mainstream media, social media platforms, and elite-controlled communication systems will be shut down.

During this period, Starlink will be the sole operational communication network. The entire globe will experience a blackout of false information, and the only source of truth will be the continuous broadcasts from Starlink.

During this period, October 2024, military insiders are preparing for a coordinated operation to seize control of key infrastructure worldwide, ensuring that the elites cannot strike back or hide. More Info on

For 10 days, people will be shown irrefutable evidence of crimes against humanity, the extent of corruption in the highest levels of government, and the long-hidden truths about global manipulation.

Starlink will broadcast military tribunals, secret testimonies, and the confessions of elite members who once thought they were untouchable. The 10 Days of Darkness will be the final blow to the cabal’s control, as their crimes are revealed to every citizen of the world.

Urgent! – 10 Days of Darkness Survival Guide: Essential Steps to Prepare for the EBS Activation!

What Happens After the EBS? The People’s Reckoning

Once the EBS exposes the elites’ darkest secrets, there will be no more hiding. Military tribunals, long in preparation, will begin enacting justice on a global scale. The Quantum Financial System (QFS), powered by Starlink, will come online, wiping out the control the banking elites have held over the global economy.

No more debt slavery. No more corrupt central banks. Every person on Earth will be part of a new system that is fair, transparent, and free from the control of the elite cabal.

But that’s not all. The Quantum Voting System (QVS) will ensure that corrupt elections, manipulated by the same elites, are a thing of the past. More Info on

Thanks to Starlink’s global reach, no politician, billionaire, or government will ever be able to cheat their way into power again. The system will be transparent, and every vote will be securely counted and verified.

BREAKING! High-Level Leaks Confirm Imminent Collapse of the Current Financial System—EBS, QFS, and NESARA Rollout Are Ready!

The Elite’s Desperate Attempts to Stop Starlink

Make no mistake—the elites are terrified of Starlink. They know it is the tool that will bring about their downfall. This is why they’ve tried everything to stop Elon Musk and his Starlink program.

In the last month alone, several failed sabotage attempts were made to halt Starlink launches. Additionally, smear campaigns against Musk have intensified in an attempt to discredit him. They have tried to halt Trump’s momentum through legal warfare, but every attempt has failed.

Musk, alongside Trump and the global Alliance, has made sure that Starlink is beyond their reach, ready to deliver the final blow to their centuries-long reign of control.

BREAKING! The EBS Truth Bomb Is Coming—Trump Warns Zelensky and Global Leaders: Return Every Dollar, End Child Trafficking—UK, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar Put on Notice as GESARA Unfolds!

The Countdown Has Begun

The EBS broadcast is imminent, and Starlink is ready. The world will finally see the truth about the elites who have enslaved humanity for too long. This is the key to global freedom.

And once that 8-hour broadcast begins, there will be no going back. The revolution is here, and Starlink is the sword that will cut the chains of the old world and bring about the dawn of a new era.

Prepare yourself, because the truth is about to come out, and the elites are about to face the justice they’ve long evaded. More Info on

Starlink is the beacon of freedom that will expose the lies, set the world free, and create a future where the people, led by Trump and backed by Musk, take back control from the corrupt and criminal elite.

BREAKING! Imminent GESARA Mass Wealth Redistribution Unleashed: NESARA’s Rainbow Currency Being Printed and Secretly Tested, EBS Set to Activate, as Global Banks Collapse and CEOs Resign Worldwide!


  1. Thank you for your continued reporting of the truth and the encouragement that brings. I so much appreciate all your hard work.

    • Io apprezzo il lavoro di Gazetteller emi sembra la informazione più avanzata e affidabile del pianeta, impossibile descrivere tali scenari se non hai info militare di altissimo livello. Grazie

  2. The “Key” video is cultic; it makes promises of the type that only Almighty God
    can bring to pass. It’s frightening to see this go down the road it is on without
    bring Yahveh, Almighty God, into the equation.
    Thanks for caring.

  3. THANK GOD, TRUMP AND ELON and all of the people world wide who have worked on this goal for humanity. There are no words that can say how awesome you all are!
    Long time coming but it is finally here!

  4. I told people that Y2K was nothing but BS.I tols people not buy ievery thing wold be ok.I old them that 811 was inside job.nesara i have no trust in our .old show me the money


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Ethan White
Ethan White
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