Friday, September 27, 2024

HIGH ALERT! 50,000 Elite Troops Mobilized for EBS Lockdown! 10 Days of Darkness, Mass Arrests, and Nationwide Operations Now in Motion—The Final Phase Has Begun!

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As of September 25, 2024, military operations to dismantle the Cabal have reached their peak. Elite troops are flooding into the U.S. from secret military alliances, preparing for the final strike. Bases in Nevada, Colorado, and California are now central to covert operations, with Special Forces such as Delta Force and Navy SEALs leading the charge.

But what’s truly groundbreaking is the GESARA-led wealth transfer, marking the end of the Cabal’s financial control. Quadrillions of dollars in hidden assets—stolen gold, offshore accounts, and vault reserves—are being reclaimed through the Quantum Financial System (QFS). This operation, led by the military, will erase global debts and redistribute wealth to the people, ending centuries of economic enslavement. More Info on

The IRS is being dismantled, and taxes imposed by the Cabal are being nullified. Mortgages, loans, and credit card debts are being wiped clean as part of a global jubilee. This is the largest wealth transfer in history, where the people will finally reclaim what was stolen.

The troops are not just preparing for mass arrests but also securing financial centers, ensuring that the elites’ wealth is returned to the people. The Cabal’s reign is over, and the power of wealth is now shifting back into the hands of the people, marking the dawn of true economic liberation.

Insider Info! – The GESARA Teachings You Must Learn Before the Greatest Wealth Transfer in History Reclaims Money from the Elites and Returns It to You!

These troops have been specifically trained for the mass arrests that are scheduled to occur across the country. The hidden underground bases—where the Cabal’s most critical operations have been conducted—are the primary targets. These bases have housed the elite of the elite, the globalists, and dark money financiers who have been pulling the strings for decades.

The most significant targets include DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases) located under Denver International Airport, Cheyenne Mountain, and Dugway Proving Ground. These areas are known to be hubs for Cabal activity, and the White Hats have been gathering intelligence on them for years.

According to new reports from inside sources, reinforcements from the international Alliance have also started arriving in the U.S. over the past several weeks. The Canadian military, under covert agreements with the U.S. military, has mobilized elite Joint Task Force 2 (JTF2) operatives into Washington State and Montana to assist in operations targeting Cabal-controlled political figures in the Pacific Northwest. More Info on

Troops are preparing for an imminent EBS (Emergency Broadcast System) 10 days lockdown where large-scale mass arrests will take place across several major cities. Washington D.C., New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago are the prime targets in this operation, but the scope of arrests will extend to all 50 states. Every state capital will be hit simultaneously, with National Guard units standing ready to back up the Federal Marshals if any resistance occurs.

Urgent! – 10 Days of Darkness Survival Guide: Essential Steps to Prepare for the EBS Activation!

At the same time, special units from Russia and Brazil—both of which have been playing key roles in the BRICS alliance—have arrived in Texas and Florida to assist in operations aimed at taking down Cabal financial institutions that are embedded within major cities like Miami, Dallas, and Houston.

These 50,000 troops are now being supported by additional specialized units from Europe. Sources confirm that French Foreign Legion and German KSK commandos have been inserted into New York City and Washington D.C. in preparation for the high-profile arrests of elite Cabal members, including bankers, politicians, and media moguls who are believed to be the main nodes in the Cabal’s propaganda machine.

These forces are also tasked with securing high-value targets, ensuring that key financial institutions do not retaliate by attempting to manipulate markets as the Quantum Financial System (QFS) prepares to go fully online.

Fort Bragg, North Carolina, is currently the staging ground for the largest military build-up since the Second World War. New units from the 82nd Airborne Division, alongside Task Force Orange (the Pentagon’s most secretive intelligence-gathering unit), have been brought into Fort Bragg over the last 48 hours. More Info on

In addition, secret operations are ramping up in military facilities like NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) in Colorado Springs. This base has been a hub for classified activities for decades, but now, Space Force and Cyber Command are working out of NORAD to neutralize the Cabal’s last-ditch efforts to disrupt the QFS implementation.

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They are targeting Cabal-controlled satellites and cyber assets that the elites had hoped to use as bargaining chips or weapons to maintain control over global communications and digital currencies. The Starlink satellite network, controlled by the U.S. Space Force, is now fully operational and ensuring that no Cabal member can escape justice by using traditional or encrypted communication channels.

Guantanamo Bay (GITMO) is also seeing significant new activity. Reports indicate that massive expansions to GITMO’s holding facilities have been completed in recent months, in preparation for the mass influx of Cabal prisoners. Military tribunals are set to begin within weeks, and high-ranking global elites will be facing justice for crimes against humanity.

The latest wave of prisoners includes financial oligarchs, tech billionaires, and politicians, many of whom were secretly extracted from their underground bunkers. These tribunals will be broadcast to the public as part of the EBS, exposing the full extent of the Cabal’s operations—human trafficking, child exploitation, financial manipulation, and even satanic rituals tied to adrenochrome harvesting.

The Cabal’s final hope was to trigger civil unrest and a false flag event to delay or prevent the arrests, but they have been completely neutralized by the White Hats. Their plans to ignite riots and chaos in California and New York have been thwarted by preemptive military action.

Special Ops teams have infiltrated Antifa and BLM cells that were set to be activated for mass violence. Their leaders have already been detained, and plans for a staged economic collapse in the stock market were shut down by the Quantum Financial System’s automatic safeguards.

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Furthermore, new intelligence leaks suggest that the Cabal was planning to deploy EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) weapons over key American cities in a desperate attempt to disrupt communications and infrastructure.

However, Project Odin, which controls all global communications via the Starlink satellite system, has rendered these attacks useless. The EMP devices have already been neutralized, and the White Hats have captured the Cabal’s EMP teams before they could launch their attacks. More Info on

The NATO summit in Brussels that took place in early September 2024 was, unbeknownst to the public, a staged event to draw out the last remnants of the deep state’s military leaders. Sources reveal that key military figures from NATO-controlled countries who were still loyal to the Cabal were secretly detained during this summit.

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These high-ranking officials were planning to orchestrate a counterattack to maintain the Cabal’s military control in Europe, but their arrest marked the final nail in the coffin for the Cabal’s military capabilities.

As we head into late 2024, the global stage is set for the complete destruction of the Cabal. The 50,000 elite troops are not just ready to strike—they are already executing the final phase of this operation.

Mass arrests, public executions, and the dismantling of the Cabal’s financial empire are imminent. The world is about to witness the greatest military and political operation ever conducted, and the Cabal’s days of power are over. More Info on

Prepare yourselves. The strike is coming, and the world as we know it is about to change forever. The Cabal’s grip on humanity has been broken, and the new dawn is about to rise.

ALERT! 700,000 Indictments Exposed, Arrests Already Underway: EBS Documentaries and QFS Activation—Global Military Checkpoints to Enforce NESARA/GESARA During 10 Days of Darkness!
Ethan White
Ethan White
A fearless truth-seeker and writer, as he uncovers untold stories with his sharp insights and unwavering dedication to journalistic integrity. Embark on a journey of enlightenment with Ethan's thought-provoking articles today.

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