BREAKING! HAARP Was Activated: 35 Killed Across 7 States Using Tornadoes, Fires, and Dust Storms — Missouri (12), Kansas (8), Mississippi (6), Texas (3), Alabama (3), Arkansas (3), Oklahoma Homes Destroyed!

Stop pretending this was just a storm. Stop lying to yourself. What ripped across the United States over the past 48 hours was not “natural.” It was not “rare weather.” It was not “climate change.” It was a coordinated attack — a military-grade, artificially-engineered assault on the American population using advanced atmospheric weaponry hidden behind … Continue reading BREAKING! HAARP Was Activated: 35 Killed Across 7 States Using Tornadoes, Fires, and Dust Storms — Missouri (12), Kansas (8), Mississippi (6), Texas (3), Alabama (3), Arkansas (3), Oklahoma Homes Destroyed!